About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, August 10, 2023


 One Of My Very Own




WARNING: If you don't like Preachy Me then please skip this section.




I had a wonderful bartender who was getting her degree in Criminal Justice. She wanted to work for Homeland Security and was wise enough to never use any kind of social media because she knew it would come back and bite her in the butt. Anyway, one day she was lamenting about an awful class she was required to take and she hated it - geology. I told her that I would have loved learning how to identify rocks and knowing how and/or where they were created. She said that she would never use that knowledge. I had a long talk with her about knowledge not having to be "used" but my argument was lost because, in the end, I found out that it was simply taking too much of her time.

As an art major, I had to take plenty of science and history, and English and felt enriched by the experience. That I know exactly what this next cartoon is referencing fills me with pride.

And for you young parents, you must strive to equal the playing field when it comes to girls in STEM.

My daughter's work at NASA was not a fluke but rather the result of careful enrichment in the sciences from the earliest age.


Speaking of...


A commenter asked me if I care about my blog's numbers why would you piss off half the voters in America by criticizing Trump? The exact same logic could be applied to the Republican Party for taking actions that the majority of Americans are opposed to. But to answer his question, I want to make damn sure my grandson knows which side his Big Diddy was on when he reads the history books. And remember, I didn't leave the Republican Party - the party left me.




Well done, Ohio! Well done.


Since Adam and Eve were never kids, imagine how horrified they must have been when their own kids' teeth started falling out for no reason.


We should have a national quiet day where everyone just shuts the fuck up for 24 hours.



Life in Tornado Alley

I'm not absolutely sure I know what I'm looking at.


My favorite wing restaurant used those. A problem arose because I drink sweet tea and my wife drinks unsweet tea and the waitresses always got confused and gave each of us the wrong tea. So, I talked to the owner and told him that he needed two colors of glasses - one for sweet and one for unsweet. He did that and every waitress thanked me because it made their job much easier.


Change never surprises me. My wife freaks out when we drive past what used to be a forest and it's now a shopping mall or whatever. I, on the other hand, freak out when the forest is left as I remember it.


This took me much too long to finally figure out what was going on.


I was once driving with my kids when I noticed an inch-wide line of paint on the road. I told them that a bucket of paint must have turned over in a truck or van and the paint was leaking out the back. We watched as the stream changed lanes and even puddled up where it stopped at a red light. Eventually, it petered out and we were all disappointed. Days later I mentioned it to a group of men and Dave shouted the name of the road and said it was him!




I bet that mattress has enough semen in it to start a sperm bank.


Mating Dance


Due to the actor strike, I will no longer smile during Zoom meetings.


In light of this heat wave please remember that 115°F is around the temperature meat begins to cook and the overwhelming majority of us are made of meat.



There are two types of drinkers.

This type...

And this type...

*That is pretty old. I wonder what her life has been like since then.


Martin Laurello could turn his head 180° and was known as the human owl. He was a sideshow performer who lived from 1886 to 1955.

*Said to be not photoshopped.


Emergency Room staff must hear "I did it for the thrills" quite often.


I think they need one of those in every nursing home to give the old geezers some exercise.


I just heard him say that Jan. 6 was just a rally that got out of hand. Yeah, a lot of people go to rallies with bear spray, zip ties, baseball bats, full riot gear, and pre-built gallows. He really does think you are stupid enough to believe that.




Jason Bourne


Night Court


Do lighthouses have Wi-Fi? I feel like I would be a great fit to work in a lighthouse. I love the sound of waves. I like being alone. I look great in a cable-knit turtleneck. I'm a terrific brooder. And I would fuck a ghost if pressed.


*NOTE: You won't need a Sawzall often, but when you need one no other tool will do what it does.


You learn a lot about people when they don't get what they want.



"Panoramic Shot From An Airship Of San Francisco, Razed To The Ground After An Earthquake And Subsequent City-Wide Fire, 1906"


"King Charles III On The Buckingham Palace Balcony After His Mother's Coronation In 1953"


"Ham Is The First Chimpanzee Astronaut To Return From His Legendary 16-Hour Flight In the 1961 Year"


"An Indigenous Man Topples A Statue Of Spanish Conquistador Diego De Mazariegos On The 500th Anniversary Of The Discovery Of The Americas. Chiapas, Mexico, 1992"

Yet those same people readily adopted the language and the religion of their conquers.


"Miners In The Serra Pelada Gold Mines In Brazil, 1980s"

Reminds me of World War Z.


"Mount Rushmore Is Under Construction. This Photograph Was Taken In 1932 While Workmen Were Carving The Face Of George Washington"


Evacuation announced as drones hit ammo depot in Crimea

Drones hit an ammunition depot of the Russian invaders in the Dzhankoi district in temporarily occupied Crimea on the night of July 23 to July 24.

The Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Mykhailo Fedorov, reported a drone attack on the peninsula on his Telegram channel, according to Ukrinform.

"Last night, drones attacked the capital of the 'orcs' and Crimea. Electronic warfare and air defense systems are less able to protect the skies of the occupiers. Whatever happens there, there will be more of this," he wrote.


Did you find the Heart of Stone?



Very interesting read.


I find it interesting that we bought land conquered by France, Russia, and Spain but never even thought of buying the land from Native Americans.










Anonymous said...

C2: do you think he turned his head clockwise or counter clockwise? Notice how he is grasping his left side, and how his shirt is drawn taunt.

Anonymous said...

That won't be allowed on tv these days.

Just yesterday, we were talking about married with children tv show saying no chance of airing stuff like that today due to 'political correctness'

Burgervan said...

B1: It's called a Mesocyclone which is a storm cell of epic proportions that is rotating and usually spawn Tornadoes and LOTS of precipitation and Lightning. I recommenda Youtube channel called "Pecos Hank". Excellent footage and time lapses.

Anonymous said...



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