About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


 One Of My Very Own







Most of you are not true Capitalists. You may like Capitalism but you do not own anything that generates capital. You generate capital for someone else.


Remember when the right called the left "Snowflakes"?




As you probably know, I am fascinated by language and one of the mysteries is how men and women have different standards. For example, anyone can call a man a "dick" and nobody really cares, but calling a woman a "cunt" is a declaration of war. Yet both are just slang words for the naughty bits.








Being constantly offended doesn't mean you are right. It just might mean you are just too querulous to tolerate opinions different than your own.


What if Mike was short for Micycle?




Victory Dance




How very clever.


That is an example of words just being words. It's like saying "Fuck you" - you aren't wishing them intercourse.


The moon should be wearing sunglasses, not the sun. 

Just another thing to fucking deal with.



Don’t watch Oppenheimer from the first row.





Reverse gaslighting is where I pretend to know exactly what you are talking about.


Mayhem is a legal term. You can be arrested for mayhem. It's like arresting someone for being too funny.



I always wonder if things like that are photoshopped. 

Does anyone know?


Whimsical Public Art


We need all the whimsy we can get.

^^C 2-5^^

Said to be a nursing home


NOTE: I can't remember if I shared this story of an heirloom.


Danny's Chair

We own an old chair that used to belong to Ian McKellen. My dad used to work for a decorating firm that used to have work in posh places and once he had a job at Ian McKellen's residence. My Dad saw this old chair and offered Sir Ian 20 quid for it and he took the offer. The chair was in the Tudor style but had no seat pad and the lower brace was broken. My Dad fixed the bottom brace before he died. As a side note, Sir Ian came back a few minutes later with 2 bottles of wine. He spent the money my Dad gave him on booze. I'll take a pic of the chair and send it to you.


In all my years I have only seen two hailstorms, one small and one large enough to damage my truck. Once I was out of town painting a mural and called my wife. She told me that they had "golf ball-sized" hail and I demanded that she put some in the freezer so I could see it. When I got home she took a small bowl out of the freezer containing a half dozen pea-sized chunks of ice. I asked her if they looked like golf balls to her and she said, "Well, they did before I washed them off."

That Gentle Reader is a very true story.


How to eat a massive jackfruit


Microwave Waves


Razor Blade Sharpeners




When I say "I'll figure it out" I mean I'll just adapt to whatever new level of hell is coming.


Casper the Ghost is a cautionary tale about how Richie Rich's parents killed him for the insurance money.



*His father is the one in the hat.


Johannesburg explosion

That went on for 5 blocks. Gas leakage is suspected.

That man's reaction time was impressive.


I would take this as an omen...


The look on this lioness' face.



That lady who washed off the hailstones was a classical pianist and we once went to a party where a man entertained us with an accordion. During a break, she asked for instructions, and by the end of the night, she was playing the thing. I was very impressed.


18-Year-old Bulgarian Karlos Nasar achieved the world record for clean and jerk

How do his bones tolerate that?


A Brad Pitt Story


Casting of ‘Casablanca 1943’. Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Henreid and Claude Reins

In my opinion that was the most perfectly casted movie of all time.

The worst was casting Edward G. Robinson as the villain in The Ten Commandments. 



Stangenpyramide bei Dreieich

Or Post Pyramid - an art installation in Germany.






*Verification Requested




How many can you find?


Anonymous said...


Watch how long it takes to fix, corruption galore.

Anonymous said...

C9: they sell jackfruit in our grocery store. I had to watch a YouTube video on how to eat it.
It's full of a sticky latex substance, that requires you to wear dishwashing gloves and old clothes while you harvest the meat.

I'm not sure how this woman avoided the sticky mess, other than that she didn't and we just couldn't tell.

By the way, it's delicious.

Anonymous said...

C8: I've actually witnessed tennis ball size hail. My daughter sent me a picture a softball size hail stone on the front seat of her car.

I've had two roofs that had to be replaced because of hail.

Anonymous said...

To anon who responded - "False, arsenokoitai refers to homosexuals", referencing Wikipedia as proof.

You can't use Wikipedia as a valid reference source. Anybody and their brother can write anything they want in Wikipedia.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Hailstone Guy,
Where the hell do you live?

Anonymous said...

A8: They need to put out a BOLO for that toddler.

Anonymous said...

Four company mascots
Two girlfriends
One midshipman on exchange
Two foreigners...


Ralph Henry said...

Dear RetRsvMike,
Thank you for that. I enjoyed it very much.

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