Telling the truth under oath is now called backstabbing.
*While discussing Trump's misconduct one of the news outlets had this word on the screen:
That was rather clever.
^^A3^^Take this fact:
But even with no evidence to support it and tons of evidence to disprove it, many people still believe Trump won the election. Every fact that proves otherwise is simply rebuffed as a lie. There is no convincing that kind of person.
Ugly? I can think of hundreds of words to describe that magnificent living thing and none of them is ugly.
*Verification Requested
"I like you. Wanna hang out until one of us dies?"
I admire people with hairstyles. I don't have a hairstyle. I have hair.
She must have been in a hurry.
Areas where it is common for people to live for over 100 years are known as “Blue Zones.” There are 5 on Earth: Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica; Loma Linda, California; and Icaria, Greece.
Nothing says "there's a body in the trunk" like 16 air fresheners hanging off the rearview mirror.
*Viewer Contribution
*Viewer Contribution
I feel you, Mr. Bus. I feel you.
Not mine. I had a dog who had three discernible barks:
Strange dog within sight.
Human on the street.
And alarmingly, a human in the driveway.
True story.
I'm going to tell my grandson that this is Ken and Barbie...
A buddy in the military slept with a girl and the next morning he could hardly walk. He went to the doctor and was diagnosed with "Testicular Trauma". We called it Blue Balls. His swelled up the size of oranges and were, literally, blue. It happens with excessive dry humping of a girl who would rather not have intercourse.
I'm assuming it's the grand opening.
This guy spent a lot of time trying to scrub the stain off his counter.
That reminded me of the lady who tried to cover up the shadow with layer after layer of paint.
For pedestrian traffic, that may be appropriate but in America, almost all my murals were to be seen from a moving automobile and the viewing time was a matter of seconds. The above mural is much too complicated for that.
This next one could easily be appreciated from a moving car.
Did you notice the paint just pouring out the bottom?
Simplicity at its finest.
Guess what this is.
Is that thing mounted on bedrock?
It was stated that incidents with horse-drawn carriages are numerous. I wouldn't know.

A commenter sent me a link concerning CNN having to pay this guy because they ran a viral account of him taunting a Native American.
The commenter used that to "prove" that all news outlets lie and Fox is no worse than the others. I don't really give a shit about CNN but I think what they did was foolish but far from outright lying. Fox, however, admitted lying for years and they did it because if they had not their viewers would have found someplace else where people would lie to them. They are not the same

The complicated mural could be viewed over a period of time from an automobile, each time offering something freshly glimpsed, alternatively it could be that it is sited at a place where traffic regularly pauses, e.g. a junction or lights.
Personally I prefer the detailed mural requiring time to appreciate, over the immediate gratification, (but not actually that interesting), mural.
Or she has a sore/injured foot.
About a month ago a friend wore one croc to work as his new work boots hurt his foot. At the same time his boss was walking around in a moon boot...
Ok so CNN, MSNBC etc etc weren't lying according to you and that kid was taunting him?
Suppose Rittenhouse also drove across state lines with an ar-15 and the police were talking shit when early on said it was not the case.
Those fed border agents on horses whipping migrants must also be true even though the photographer that took the photos said it's not true.
Oh well, carry on.
Russian prime minister Mishustin comes to Putin and nervously tells him to abolish time zones.
"I fly to another city, call home and everyone is asleep. I woke you up at 4AM but I thought it was only evening. - I call Olaf Scholz to congratulate him on his birthday and he tells me he had it yesterday. - I wish the Chinese President a happy New Year, and he says it will be tomorrow."
"Indeed" Putin replies "but that's only minor stuff. Remember when that plane crashed with Prigozhin on board? I called his family to express my condolences, but the plane hadn't taken off yet!!"
Puzzle. Time: 68
The difference between the numbers doubles each time.
Anonymous said...
And then there was that time cnn let their one host run with the 'obama is not an american, he's a muslim born in kenya' bs, they must have favoured the other candidate.
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