About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, August 25, 2023

FRIDAY #5357

One Of My Very Own




In the late 1970s, I made art concerning that very problem. I created up various objects that would come in handy in a real apocalypse. I had dozens of very large nails, a double pulley system, and other potentially useful objects.

The old boxes that I am presently using for new art were used to make that old art that was eventually rejected.


And you know and I know that there are very powerful people on that list.


Fuck Putin.





I'm rather proud of myself. After reading the above I deleted all the political rantings I had prepared to post.






I left this one just so you would catch the jest of it.


Men used to hunt mammoths and go to war. Now they shave their ball sacks.


Made the mistake of clicking through and buying something from Amazon and it’s like when I tried to give one seagull a single piece of my sandwich.


All entries are in the *OSIT category.





Why don't we all do that?








The hen has been sick with bronchitis. These eggs are safe to eat, though.


Marriage is like, “I can’t believe you would do this” and “this” is just folding a towel in half instead of thirds.


Meets new person, forgets their name two seconds after they say it. Spends the next ten minutes hoping others in the conversation will say their name so I don’t have to ask.



Why do people do that?


He wasn't even on his phone!


For those of you who aren't into such things...



That looks like one of Danny's.



Is there some reason to rev a bike other than to glean attention from irritated bystanders?


It is sort of like referring to my wholesale thievery in abandoned buildings as "Preserving Artifacts".



We never drank water growing up. I don’t even know how I'm alive right now.


*Watch out for that pea soup projectile vomiting!


My daughter and I once spent an hour debating whether werewolves have opposable thumbs in case you’re wondering who the great modern philosophers are.


All comments are those of the original compiler.


The Same Whale Photographed 35 Years Apart! Both Photos Taken Off The Coast Of Mexico.⁣ The Recent Image Is From 2020, While The Old Photo Dates From 1985

It looks like it learned how to avoid boat propellers.




Saw This Post On R/Battlepaintings And Did Some Poking Around. Battle Of Vimeiro (Portugal) 1808 By Patrice Courcelle… And Today


Point Dume, Malibu, California. Ad 2023 And Ad 3978


Van Gogh In Arles 1888 And Locations Now


Rio De Janeiro's Reforestation


"Sitting On Their 1947 Chevrolet In Front Of A Diner, And Then 63 Years Later"


1887 Queen Anne Victorian Brought Back In Remarkable Restoration


An Abandoned Victorian Home Has Been Dramatically Restored In Rarden, Ohio, USA



Satiam Wagon Road, Oregon. 2022 vs. Date Unknown. Road Was Used 1860-1930s



Route 66 Between Barstow And Oro Grande, Ca. 1917 And 2023

I drove Route 66 through two states and it is not as easy to follow as one would think.


The Ancient Theatre Of Delphi, Greece


My Hometown Kharkov In Ukraine 2022-2022

Fuck Putin.











Anonymous said...

D1 : I'm sorry, but those two whale tales do not look the same to me. It's obvious both whales were injured by propellers, but I don't think these are the same whales

Anonymous said...

Puzzle. Time: it's a dog eat dog world

Anonymous said...

What a crock of shit! That site defines the death of every perp the police shot as "police violence".

So when the police kill that school shooter in the act of mowing down school kids it's
"police violence".

When they kill that carjacker shooting at them it's "police violence" etc etc

"Black people were 26% of those killed by police in 2022 despite being only 13% of the population."

Now go look at the FBI/DoJ crime stats by race and you'll see they punch way above their weight when it comes to committing crime. Logic dictates that the more crimes you commit the more likely you are to have interactions with the police.

Get a load of all this police violence served to you daily,

The progressives love this BS.

Wrekreation said...

I have mixed emotions about your deletion of a-6 to a-16: Joy and Happiness

Anonymous said...

We should petition Joe at the White House to look into, he can establish a commission like he did for those migrant whippers, the truth will come out.

Anonymous said...

Look at me syndrome.
Car owners are also guilty.

Anonymous said...

^^C8^^ It tickles their prostate.

Fardygardy said...


interesting local news clip of a man who, over 30 years, restored a Minneapolis home to its original beauty, including furniture choices. Quite the undertaking.

Then, something changed...


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