About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 One Of My Very Own




I'm thinking of hanging up my blogging spurs. It is consuming huge chunks of what valuable art-making time I have left. 


*Please remember what "Food For Thought" means.


I remember asking myself why I wore socks. I couldn't come up with a reason other than "That's the way we've always done it" so I stopped wearing socks. I did the same with underwear. I call it Cerca Trova or seeking your own ways of doing things.

Those are two rather trivial examples but I assure you it goes much much deeper.


Many years ago I wrote that the greatness of a country should be based on the people's happiness index. How do you think America would rank?


*It was just one location that has no enforcement mechanism.


Italian uproar over judge's 10-second groping rule

According to the judges, what happened "does not constitute a crime" because it lasted less than 10 seconds. 


Slavery "Explained"


How hard would it be to make a people feeder? Like a bird feeder but for people.


Records indicate that Julius Caesar never once said "Thank you" in his life. This is likely due to the fact that he couldn't speak English.




No lawyer in the world would allow a company to post that.








Car battery carrier.  Heated handle.


My mind still thinks I'm 25. 

My body thinks my mind is an idiot.


My goddamn swear jar could finance the fucking space program.



Well, well, well...


They were putting in a road or subway track or something and just moved the whole damn building.








Boiling Water + Salt


Siberian Lynx



Have you ever asked yourself why all those people are required to have a college degree?



- you need to watch this -

More video of the same:


They lied. Hard work has killed people.


I only bought gas station sushi once and it was priced for clearance.



I hope he won.


Near-death experience...TWICE...





They visited one of the buildings built to test atomic bomb damage.




The Fall

It was stated that he did some serious knee damage.


The Theif

Why would he repeatedly back off the bike?


Bee Sting


Priest says the quiet part out loud...


I bet octopuses think bones are horrific. I bet all their horror stories involve rigid limbs and hinged joints.


I just do not know how to act around warm bread.






















A1; Ralph, try having a week off and see if you feel better or not.

NonMaga said...

Puzzletime, I wanted to say the chap holding a torch (right hand water carrier), but then noticed 3 of the men are clean shaven.


C12; one pilot said that refuelling on the move was like trying to insert a piece of wet spaghetti in a cat's arse while on the move.

Anonymous said...

It's not called The Land of Fire and Ice for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time
Guy carrying water with a torch in his hand.

Anonymous said...

Puzzletime: I'm going to say there are two from the future. One is the guy with the flashlight in his hand, and the other is the woman testing the meat temperature with the temperature probe.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Puzzlers,
How about the red-headed kid trying to start a fire? His eyes says he has no idea what he's doing and there is already a fire built.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: The person from the future is the one who took the picture. LOL

Anonymous said...

Arizona Supreme Court & (Mormon) Church. Ironically, religious people who are anti abortion. That aside, *my own experiences* with Mormons in Arizona have been negative. They are lazy and do minimal work to get by while allowing others to do the actual work and then put up a fit when they don't get their share of the pie. I even had a Mormon practitioner give me a little cocaine without my knowledge of what it was. I hate to lump a group of people into one category, but I don't trust Mormons in any walk of life.

Rick said...

Hate to see you pack it in Ralph but you have to do what's best for you.

Wrekreation said...

A-2. What other beliefs can I substitute for "guns". Maybe religion?

How hard would it be to make a people feeder? Like a bird feeder but for people. - They are here, and called vending machines.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Gentle Readers,
Thank you all for your comments today. If I quit blogging it will be your comments I miss most.

Anonymous said...

I consider your blog to be a form of art. One I look forward to and appreciate each and every day.

Ralph Henry said...

And you, Dear Art Lover, make it all worthwhile. Stay safe.

NonMaga said...

De Bono would be proud of that answer! Well done

Ralph Henry said...

Dear NonMaga,
Come on now, nobody knows what that means. Please reference it to something. Give us a hint.

NonMaga said...

Sorry, I was referring to Edward de Bono who famously invented the concept of lateral thinking. Anonymous's answer was a good example

Larry said...

Yours is the ONLY blog I follow, if you choose to move on , know you will be missed.......

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