I rediscovered a few dozen 2" wooden balls that I don't even remember buying.
I also have another old box I made for a piece that didn't make the cut. Interestingly (at least to me) was that it had a paper diagram on the inside of the lid as per Egg Box.
The box also has this brass plate on the lid.
So now my task is to take a filthy old box and some pristine wooden orbs and create something worth looking at and thinking about.
I concur.
Somewhere in America, there are several people sitting around KNOWING that they are the ones who released the snakes into the Everglades.
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"And yet some people pretend that the Southern Strategy didn’t exist, and they’ll quote Nixon denying it to support the position."
Meat Eaters Beware
The bite of the lone star tick, found in the U.S. South, Midwest, and mid-Atlantic, can trigger a bizarre and sometimes dangerous allergy in humans to red meat (such as beef, pork, and venison), dairy, gelatin, and some medications. Known as alpha-gal syndrome, the condition is caused by an immune reaction to the sugar alpha-gal (galactose-α-1,3-galactose), which is found in the flesh of most nonprimate mammals. Patients with the syndrome can still eat chicken or fish to get protein. Suffolk County, on Long Island, New York, currently leads the nation with nearly 4,000 confirmed cases of alpha-gal syndrome.
The old solutions don't work anymore. Sure I had a part-time job to help pay for my college but that is out of the question now. I bought a cheap starter house and did work on it myself so it would increase in value. Now houses are priced out of the reach of young people. And then there are wages.
And please don't tell me all the deductions they took were legal. That's precisely the problem. They buy politicians to pass laws that will shield their wealth.
I hear so much about how bad this and that health system is but there is one thing I know for sure - I LOVE MY MEDICARE. If it works so well for old people then it could work that well for all people.
And remember, if your employer pays, say, $500 of his share of your health insurance, then that $500 PLUS your $500 deduction will be added to your paycheck each month. Healthcare for all will not increase your tax bill by $1000 a month.
What you would basically be doing is eliminating the billions of dollars in profit that now goes to the health insurance companies.
This on a quality product...
Cats are reservoirs of as-yet-undiscovered bacterial species that have human pathogenic potential. Cat bites and scratches that puncture the skin cause 66,000 visits to the emergency department every year in the United States. Many require antibiotics, or even surgery, to prevent serious infection.
This took me MUCH too long...
It has to do with the Russian probe crashing on the moon. Why the Ukrainians are depicted as sharks was not explained.

Don't ever be sad on Saturday. Wait until Monday. Cry on the clock. Don't let Capitalism win.
How many of you are working just to afford healthcare?
I could count on one hand the number of times I've been that drunk.
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BTW Sylvester Stallone wrote the screenplay for Rocky in three and a half days, shortly after watching the championship match between Muhammad Ali and Chuck Wepner that took place at Richfield Coliseum in Richfield, Ohio, on March 24, 1975.
Boulder and Indiana Jones Cosplay
I began making art out of money when I thought about the money worshippers just giving various cash objects to their kids instead of toys and such. Now I fantasize about those people buying their kids that soap so that they too will grow up to worship money.
“Try to be more socially interactive”, they said.
“Engage with the wider community”, they said.
“You have the right to remain silent”, they said.
My wife is really bad at multitasking. Sometimes I’ll be on the phone with her and she’ll say “I’m going into an elevator” and hang up.
Now the wheelbarrow full of stuff is at the bottom of the pool.
The perfect time for Rule #39 - GET NAKED!!
Never start a fight with a man who is head and shoulders bigger than you.
Club Removal
I really, really hate Styrofoam buildings.
Many years ago, a car crushed a garbage worker against the back of the garbage truck in broad daylight. It was right outside my friend Rupert's restaurant and when Rupert ran out the driver of the car attempted to run away but was tackled and held to the ground until the police got there.
Actually, that turned out pretty well.
Me: “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
Medic: “Step aside sir”
I wonder if Mr. Potato Head gets emails letting him know there are hot Pringles in his area.
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And they still kept from touching the net.
I wonder if he did that because he regularly hauls an odd load.
House Collapse
It looks like the house was full of flour or something.
You’re officially old when the lady who cuts your hair starts asking you if you would like her to trim your eyebrows and ears.
"Yes please."
How dare the delivery guy ring my doorbell and disturb me with a package that I ordered.
This is not an ironclad rule, but to make the whole eating thing less stressful, my wife and I try to eat the same main meal on the same day of the week. Mondays are fried chicken days. Wenesday is seafood. Friday wings. Saturday pizza. Sunday Chinese.
Hand Puppet
Stencil Ad
Representing all of humanity - what a novel idea.

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How long will it take you?
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A6: looks like I'm going to have to start eating primates now, since this damn thing is found in the non-primate meat.
".....which is found in the flesh of most nonprimate mammals."
I’m an atheist and not American so I’m sorry if I don’t fully understand.
I thought that churches in the US were exempt from taxation if they stayed out of politics.
As they CLEARLY are involved in politics - when do they start paying taxes?
And there's nothing the local council can do about that advertising, technically you just cleaned a bit of the pavement.
From October 2013 edition of Fp;io Olio, FYI only....
"Can you imagine reading that in...say...Spain, they have a word that only one group can use and other groups can get in real trouble for using...like that fat cook who used it 30 years ago. We would laugh at their ignorance. And in the hypothetical above, imagine the group used that word in just about every sentence.
Nigger, nigger, nigger. There, I've crossed the ridiculous, made-up, line imposed by people I don't know.
Fuck you.
What if retards started calling themselves retards but insisted non-retards couldn't.
Or queers doing the same.
All the truly rich words are slowly being removed from our vocabulary."
A12; you seem to suffer under the delusion that Ukraine is a nicer place than Russia; it isn't.
Puzzle. Time: it took me less than 2 seconds.
^^A9^^ I like my medicare too. Would love for everyone to have it available. It'll never happen though, because if the health insurance companies go away, so do the hundreds of thousands of jobs of all the people who work for them. Also, all those dollars that won't be spent will be deducted from the GNP shell game, making it look like the economy is tanking. No politician is gonna want any of that that on their resumè.
What exactly are you railing against? You can't use hurtful words anymore?
A2 I'm not impressed. You can grow plants in almost any media (assuming it doesn't leach anything poisonous) if you provide a "nutrient solution". I regularly grew plants in a clear vase full of glass beads and a solution of water and NutriGrow. Showed my students how the root structure grew. Middle school science class. Wonder how many tax dollars went into this?
puzzle time...
It took me less than 1.4 seconds.
Puzzle time: Took me less than 1.39 seconds.
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