About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, September 18, 2023

MONDAY #5381

உங்கள் தாயை நீங்கள் நேசிக்கிறீர்கள்.

Uṅkaḷ tāyai nīṅkaḷ nēcikkiṟīrkaḷ.


One Of My Very Own









A burrito is just a rolled-up taco. A tostada is just an unfolded taco. And nachos or just broken tacos. It's all tacos.


How long will it take for self-checkout kiosks to start asking for tips?


-Things I Don't Understand-










"Wanna walk across these wires with little feet on them?"

"Why should I?"

"You get to post a video just like every other video of every person who has ever done it."

"What if something goes wrong?"

"You'll die."

"Okay, I'll try it."




Does anyone remember when the internet was once a fun place for watching funny videos instead of monitoring humanity's real-time collapse?


*I don't get it.


What if pineapple pizza actually tastes good?


My art history professor took my class to the State Capital Building and had us write our observations. I couldn't get over the hundreds of conduits and wire marring the whole interior.


A massive dam built entirely by beavers. A man for scale.

I visited a beautiful farm where the owner had spent a fortune building a large pond. He brought in half-grown trees to stop erosion and to provide shade for visitors. Then the beavers came and stripped the place bare. He told me that he had paid a lot of money to stock the pond with fish but the beaver had eaten them all. But that was not true, as beavers are herbivores. They actually eat wood and bark among other things.


I am a huge fan of that technique.


I like that game show. You don't have to be smart, you just have to know human nature.


Another image as old as the internet.


I guess the battery is inside the wheel rim.




Playing Solitaire with real cards. Do you guys remember that?


A guy's balls when he squats down while wearing a bathing suit.






Dog Actor


My dog learned that whenever he heard the F-word in the kitchen there would be food on the floor.


Everyone who drinks coffee in the morning knows what reality is and they're still like "Yes, I want to be wide awake for this nightmare".


Did you try to do that? I did.


When you really get down to thinking about it, most sports are just silly. Hit the ball with a stick. Kick the ball in the net. Toss the ball in the hoop. Get the ball over the chalk line.

There are what I call pure sports - wrestling, horse racing, running, etc., but those don't seem to be nearly as popular.


This is what I'm waiting for...

They already use robots as jockeys for camel racing.


I would be tempted to say, "Prove it."



What a remarkable photograph.


^^D 6-7^^

A CAUTIONARY TALE: I knew a girl in college who made a whole plate of fudge out of ExLax and it almost killed the girl who stole and ate them all. Seriously - don't do that.





Do you think she meant to do that?


I'm damn sure this guy meant this...


Charlie Chaplin getting an Oscar. 

True to his silent day, he was speechless.

Student Driver in Simulator










Anonymous said...

Basil Fawlty?

Anonymous said...

Stupid people should be left to die, we also need to remove all the moronic warning labels.

Anonymous said...

It's stuck underneath on of the trailers.

Anonymous said...


*I don't get it.

Buoys, lot's of those hanging over coastal Maine.

Anonymous said...

Probably, she's almost running on the line.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time
The one on the right. Her neck tattoo matches the wedding photo.

Fardygardy said...

summer in Maine cartoon...

Lobstermen identify their lobster traps by the color and pattern of the buoys on the surface. The pattern is assigned when one get licensed to harvest. It is common for tourists to purchase real or imitation buoys as a souvenir.

Anonymous said...

"One moonless night, while flying a routine training mission over the Pacific, I wondered what the sky would look like from 84,000 feet if the cockpit lighting were dark.

While heading home on a straight course, I slowly turned down all of the lighting, reducing the glare and revealing the night sky. Within seconds, I turned the lights back up, fearful that the jet would know and somehow punish me. But my desire to see the sky overruled my caution, I dimmed the lighting again.

To my amazement, I saw a bright light outside my window. As my eyes adjusted to the view, I realized that the brilliance was the broad expanse of the Milky Way, now a gleaming stripe across the sky. Where dark spaces in the sky had usually existed, there were now dense clusters of sparkling stars Shooting stars flashed across the canvas every few seconds. It was like a fireworks display with no sound. I knew I had to get my eyes back on the instruments, and reluctantly I brought my attention back inside.

To my surprise, with the cockpit lighting still off, I could see every gauge, lit by starlight. In the plane's mirrors, I could see the eerie shine of my gold spacesuit incandescently illuminated in a celestial glow. I stole one last glance out the window. Despite our speed, we seemed still before the heavens, humbled in the radiance of a much greater power.

For those few moments, I felt a part of something far more significant than anything we were doing in the plane. The sharp sound of Walt's voice on the radio brought me back to the tasks at hand as I prepared for our descent."

Brian Shul -
Sadly, Brian Shul passed away May 2023, after speaking at a full house engagement about the SR 71. He’s certainly had a beautiful way with words. Linda Sheffield.

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