Mutalil uṉṉil aṉpu celuttu.

But all the matrixes have changed. My first house cost twice my annual salary. I put myself through college with just a small GI Bill check and a part-time job. Try that today.
Don't fall for that kind of bullshit. Every kind of energy generation has downsides.
As I understand it, college loans from the bank are guaranteed by the government so the bank can't lose the money. So, why aren't the interest rates rock bottom?
As far as I can tell, hell is full of priests.
There are lots of other examples of editing, scribal errors, mistranslations, interpolations, and redactions. That’s not a problem for liberal Christian folk who recognize the bible isn’t perfect and mostly ignore the parts they don’t like. But it’s a big problem for those extremists who claim the bible is perfect and inerrant. Most of those people haven’t read it or studied anything about it. They just treat it like a software license, and mentally click “agree”.
*More Verification Requested
It's time for both parties to pass the baton to the next generation of leaders.
I think my wife will sign up for that.
I think Hillary Clinton ought to sell signed Trump mugshots and donate the money to Planned Parenthood.
To know for sure if you are a cultist, ask yourself if you would want Obama arrested for doing the exact same things Trump did.
Everyone is criticizing Lauren Boebert for giving an over-the-pants handjob in a theater, but honestly, she deserves credit for being a Republican legislator who hooks up LIKE a teenager instead of WITH a teenager.
You can de-escalate any situation by simply saying, "Are we about to kiss?"
Think of the thrust that is required.
Why does bouncing make it unstuck?
Don't you hate it when people use words early in the morning?
Life can be pretty cool because you can get a hug from a child but there's also the horrors.
Another successful failure.
My nephew locked in a lifetime rate with his cell phone company in the 90s and the last I heard he's still using it.
China is murdering endangered porpoises because steaming food in its bladder became a TikTok trend.
There is still a lot about that that I don't understand.
I don't mean to body shame the guy, but with a chin like that he really should grow a full beard.
I'm talking out of school, but that looks like a disciplinary measure for something he fucked leaving a chain on the flight deck.
"Don't bite the hand that feeds you" illustrated...
Plane Mishap
*I left that an MP4 just so you could hear the kid's reaction.
I bet that is the favorite part of his job.
You may think that fireworks cause the most burns.
And we've seen a whole lot of accidents in bars and restaurants...
Or maybe the most burns occur in steel mills...
And here's a major incident in which the workers just don't seem to respond with enough urgency.

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B10: was this supposed to be in puzzle time? Are we supposed to fill in the blank for the element with eight electrons?
^^A4^^ No, they've got a Get Out of Jail Card called confession. All they have to do is say an oopsie to another priest before they die and poof, off to heaven they go. I think that's called having your cake and eating it too.
^^A5^^ And then there's the joke punchline where the medieval scribe yells out, "Oh, Hey! It says cele-Brate!"
^^B2^^ First timeI read this I saw "think of the trust that is required." That works too.
^^B10^^ Where's the O at 8 o'clock?
B-7 I don't know the physics but I can tell you that when coming back from a day of skiing my hippie van got stuck on a icy incline. I got 4 or 5 guys out of the van to get on the back bumper and bounce. The studded snow tires dug in and we blew past about a 50 stuck vehicles getting over that hill
rofl that golf cart stuff reminds me of this girl in church i crashed my golf cart but we girls are bad at driving!
B10: a great idea like that just kinda sucks all the oxygen out of the room...
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