I lay that squarely at the feet of our misguided drug policy.
The more things change...
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has already changed so much, imagine what we will know in the next few decades.
Need proof?
Maybe intelligence can be measured by how many people are capable of doing your job.
Let's normalize hand tattoos for people with boring normal careers.
When I ordered new coats for my daughters for convenience I had them shipped directly to their school's lost and found department.
I posted this a while back...
That's amazing.
Trees were planted to provide shade to people on horseback or in wagons but now the same routes are used by cars going 70MPH and minor control issues are now major incidents due to those same trees.
These Winter boots have a flip-down ice cleat in the heel to help with walking on icy surfaces.
The Sawyer Glacier Alaska
Bogdanovich Glacier in Kazakhstan
I'm only guessing, but it looks like a way to get boats from one canal to another.
Mini Falcon 9 Rocket
When I think about AI this is what I imagine.
Falling through the Solar System at an astonishing 635,266 kilometers (394,736 miles) per hour, NASA's Parker Solar Probe has just smashed the record for the fastest object ever to be created by human hands.
Good advice for all you young men.
What do you think this is?
Very Small Apartments
Dog Alert
Ant Teamwork
When two bubble rings collide.
Women are amazing. They can make a baby, have a baby, feed a baby, all without getting out of bed.
The only way to have a friend is to be a friend.
Let's imagine the photographer's instruction:
"Okay, take off you bra, sit on this blanket, pucker your lips, hold this drill, cover that nipple, and put on these socks."
I find this scary as hell.
I knew a family name Crapp - I think they spelled it with two Ps. There were three brothers and each one of them could kick your ass. I guess with a name like that you learn to fight pretty early.
I was not a very good airman but I took nuclear secrets very seriously. I never mentioned what I did when I was in the Air Force.
Leviticus 19:28, “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves.”

Do you see anything odd?

I see your Leviticus and raise you Isaiah 44:5
"... still others will write on their hand, 'The LORD's,' and will take the name Israel"
PUZZLE TIME: Squint you eyes and they spell out "OBEY".
A1; At least there is a realisation that drugs are rapidly destroying civilisation. While the middle classes take drugs thus creating demand, there is no hope.Drugs equal death to civilised values, and the lower in the social scale the more destruction is caused.
A3-But Biden and son do take sweeteners from China and others.
^^B8^^ JFC that's cringe. And you know it'll be someone's sex doll soon. If it's not already.
Dear Mike,
You must have missed the Republican investigation into that and their own witnesses said Joe Biden did nothing wrong. As for his son - fuck him.
B1 - your follower in Arizona sent you that enhanced picture. You're welcome.
B1 - PS, except I sent a cleaner picture without the spots.
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