My ex-wife was and is a wonderful person, but when we took our two toddlers to a restaurant she chewed every bite of her food 40 times. She read some article or something, but she was obsessed with her chewing. Needless to say the kids and I finished much, much sooner than she did and it was my job to entertain the kids while she chewed. I usually took them outside while she chewed and chewed and chewed. Try it sometimes - just for fun.
What level of alcoholism are you when you're complaining about walking two blocks to the liquor store?
There needs to be a grocery store for single people where they sell flour by the teaspoon.
That would scare the holy shit out of me.
I haven't a clue.
I do love baked potatoes.
What is the hand made out of?
I've never seen a beach like that.
Who wears short shorts...
They made two mistakes: 1. They opened both ends at the same time, and 2. They assumed that pedestrians would stay in the proper lane and the two crowds would just walk passed one another. The converging crowds met in the middle and stopped - static load.
Did all the tourists' boats know it was going to do that?
Leaf Blower Aloft
Chinese Restaurant
Spider Web
Well I was student teaching at a high school, I caught two kids smoking dope out behind the cafeteria. 15 minutes later the principal caught me and two kids smoking dope out behind the cafeteria.
When you get angry take a breath and count to 10. Then head butt them at eight. They never expect that.
You know you live in a rough neighborhood when you have a throwaway phone to be stolen.
Powdered sugar?
Somebody needs to do something about all that.
Alternative medicine is now embracing the curative powers of natural selection.
By the time you turn 35, you're in a blood feud with either Lowe's or Home Depot, and have sworn vengeance against a minimum of two major airlines.
I know nothing about that but it looks like that flammable gel that you can put on your skin and when it burns it doesn't damage the skin. I think it's called Cool Burn or some such.
This is how their Amazon package was stolen.
How to calm down a belligerent Australian.
Kick Game
Tough Guy

Puzzle time eye 4 got -Armando
I assume you are talking about the votes to get a new speaker of the house.
Maybe the ones opposing Jordan do know how to govern and that it's the other side that doesn't know how to govern.
Dear Simon,
Yeah, that's it. Thanks for sharing your pristine logic with us muddled masses.
B3: no, you cannot run ANYTHING with a simple DC converter. Especially that type of AC unit.
I'm guessing that's why it's got that big ass generator at the back of the truck.
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