About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, October 26, 2023


 One Of My Very Own

*You want that taught in your child's classroom?







Always the Starr of the show.



Waterfall in Seljalandsfoss, Iceland


Bird Amp


This is the Fokus-Projekt VertiGo wall racing robot.  It was created by team VertiGo at ETH Zürich.


Falconry Hoods


It's been six months since I joined the gym and still no progress. So I'm going there in person tomorrow to see what the problem is.


The moral of Matilda is that if you're autistic enough you can destroy your enemies with your mind.




What if he pulled up right alongside the toppled truck?


I can forgive children making boneheaded mistakes. They are just learning how physics works.


But adults should know better.




I fully intend to haunt people when I die. I have a list.


I've gathered enough information in my life to know that people who like chunky peanut butter also like to be choked during sex.




I understand how he does it but I don't understand how he gets on it. Maybe his clothes have Velcro seams.




Oh hell no. If people get sick from just putting their feet in it, I damn sure wouldn't put my face in it.


If you don't have control of your dog then give it to somebody who can teach it how to behave. 


I think people who dress alike think alike.


Matho Wathakpe


Invite your neighbors to your parties. They probably won't come but are less likely to call the cops after the invite.


Butt Band


Slip of the Tongue


Spoon Battle


Goalie Feat


I don't drive safely just to spite you.



Pugsley Addams is just goth Bobby Hill.









Photography Fun


During televised American football they introduce the team with a little thumbnail clip of the player's head giving his name and where he went to school The vast majority are college graduates but occasionally one of them says the name of his high school. Last night a guy gave his name and then said,  "Straight off the coach" which I assume meant that he was a very lucky walk-on.


Cheese of Truth









C8 ;"I think people who dress alike think alike".
You mean people with jeans, T-shirt, long hair and beard and a tattoo? The real individualist in 2023 wears a shirt and tie, is clean shaven, and polishes his shoes...

David said...

B7 - Ok, the first ball the bull hit, where did the guy go? the ball landed in the stands after a long flight, but the guy...?

Ian Dunross said...


Classic progressive media, the NY Times also boggles the mind wrt the hospital bombing fake news.

Burgervan said...

D3: Trump shouldn't be in jail. He should be in that mental institution thay stuck that "Tart" in, in Terminator 2: Electric Boogaloo. XD

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