A while back a commenter accused me of being a narcissist because I used my face in so many OOMVOs. I tried to explain that using stock faces off the internet held no appeal for me and offered to use their face if they would just email me a headshot. They, of course, refused because talk is cheap but action takes guts.
But three other viewers took me up on my offer to use faces other than my own and they seem to enjoy my efforts.
Which brings me to you.
I don't only need selfies although I will try to use them. You can send me older pictures if you prefer. Hell, the last time I posted a selfie people sent me get-well cards, so I understand the hesitancy.
I will use any and all images but if possible I need headshots of women. I also could use some profiles. And remember, the higher the quality of the image the easier it will be for me to use.
So, send me your picture. I will be delighted to include you.
A successful fail.
Can you imagine what MAGA would have done if Obama had tried that?
I served several famous people when I owned my bars.
My first bar was named The Bank.
Driver Cam
Plate Making
Street Vendor

Murica, fuck yeah!
Puzzle. Time:
See O Double You
C6: When I lived in Chapel Hill, one of my favorite hangouts was called He's Not Here. That's how they'd answer the phone there.
Dear Raul
I sure would like to use your face in my OOMVOs.
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