About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024


 One Of My Very Own







Nary a mask.











*I had A LOT of fun making those!







Years ago I embarrassed myself by not being able to figure out what was wrong with that picture.



STORY #1: I once took a young German girl to my favorite lover's lane in my convertible and put my arm around her, pulled her face closer to mine, and kissed her. Then I put my cigarette back in my mouth and discovered it had no fire. Then I noticed the smoke bellowing out of her beehive hairdo. So I threw the cigarette away, grabbed her head with two hands, and kissed her again - this time massaging the back of her head vigorously. It worked at extinguishing the fire.

STORY #2: The wife of a friend was getting ready for a fancy outdoor soiree and ran out of hair spray for her beehive hairdo so she called a friend for advice. The friend told her to just melt some sugar, put it in a mister bottle, and spray that on her hair. It worked perfectly but after an hour or so at the party my friend hooked up with his wife again and was aghast to discover that the morning son had remelted the sugar enough that every fly, butterfly, moth, etc in the area was stuck to her hair.



It's a squirrel.


I'm not much of a conformist.




It's time to stop having to change clocks.


As one would imagine, I've talked to many Christians about their belief. I almost always just ask questions then ask follow-up questions to clarify their position. I have never talked to anyone who truly believed the rapture story of people floating off into space. 






I bet that thing is fast and lethal.




Car Chase











Anonymous said...

A5: it's a portable incinerator. It's one way to get rid of used hay/straw from the stables.

Anonymous said...

B5: for one, there are two male lions.

Anonymous said...

C7: fast and lethal?
It's a fishing kayak. Those are fishing, poles and electronics for finding fish.
I can tell you right now that a predator kayak is not lethal nor is it fast.

Eric Smitt said...


I don't believe him, just words like Ukraine.

billr said...

^^C11^^ The comments from one of the web sites showing this thing are hilarious.
“If you build it, they will come.”
“Sir, SIR, that is an ATM.”
“Wall-E 2 has taken an unexpected turn.”

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