About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

SUNDAY #5590

 One Of My Very Own




MAGA viewing my blog...


Too soon?



I think he's giving the kid medicine.















Watch carefully...



I watched a documentary on that and learned that it is VERY hot in there.






I read that coffins pop out of the ground during flooding all the time.



Two of those components can be removed seemingly without ramifications.




I am a big fan of unique movies. I hate formula movies. So I LOVED that movie and Mr. Cage outdid himself.
















Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: One of the father's two sons who went fishing with him was himself a father, but did not bring his child with him. Hence there were three people to catch a single fish each.

Spam4phil said...

To put it succinctly: Son, Father, Grandfather

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Puzzle Time: One of the father's two sons who went fishing with him was himself a father, but did not bring his child with him. Hence there were three people to catch a single fish each.

There were 3 generations of men which means two were fathers and two were also sons.
Grandfather, Father (&son to grandfather, Son. There's your 2 fathers & 2 sons being 3 people.

Anonymous said...


You take an oath as a juror, admitting you voted not guilty as revenge is admitting you committed a crime.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time
Or … A grandfather his son and his grandson, 2 fathers, 2 sons.

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