About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, May 25, 2024


One Of My Very Own




I am toying with the idea of not posting ANY anonymous comments. I have never sent an anonymous comment to any site for any reason and I don't understand why that seems to be the rule on my blog. And I don't know why. I think about it like phoning someone's home and refusing to identify yourself.

 The question I pose is: Why would anyone be fearful of revealing their identity? I seriously need your input before I change my comment qualifications.





Did she piss him off somehow?


I'm impressed.






The instructions were unclear.


World's Worst Wax Museum




My science advisor teaches very technical science classes and I suggested that all of her lectures be recorded and available for students to review if they needed help. Come to find out they had that and nobody used it.



This took me too long.




And that's why the Titanic's lifeboats didn't try to save the people in the water.



Clean up on lane two.










Martyr's Memorial














Sean Ashley said...

"I seriously need your input before I change my comment qualifications."

It's 2024 and it's the Internet, I participate on several online forums and comment on 3 blogs, but none of them insist that people use their real identities to participate. There are real dangers in using your real identity online and I caution against it.

Secondly, how are you going to verify that people are who they claim to be, will you insist on photo ID for all commenters?

Thirdly, you are not using your full identity either and you mentioned it's because of weirdos on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Regarding anonymity...
So if someone created an account name "Anon commenter" that would fulfill your posting criteria?
Everyone is anonymous on this blog. For all we know, your favorite commentor Mike Harris may actually be named Joe Smith.
Your criteria makes zero sense.

billr said...

^^B10^^ We'll never know how many people were carried further out to sea, or otherwise fucked with, by dolphins. It could be a far greater number than the ones that were saved.

Anonymous said...

It was meant to be read in the rear view mirror

Anonymous said...

PUZZLE TIME; I don't know about now, but it used to be blew

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