About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 14, 2024

FRIDAY #5651

One Of My Very Own










Images like that always sadden me.












I feel very lucky that my mustache grows out to the side and not straight down like that guy's.


My crew of five and I pulled over for lunch on the way to a mural site and the book on tape was at a very dramatic part so we all just sat there staring at the tape deck. Then a woman knocked on the window and said, "I know you guys are listening to a book and it must be great so tell me the title."


















Ball Boy Hero









Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: ships log


Anonymous said...


I find it weird that they charge you for a glass of water, same goes for air at garages (gas station), in my country it's free and people would laugh at you if you tried to charge them.

Anonymous said...


Murica, fuck yeah!

Anonymous said...


Ball Person Hero, don't assume gender.

Anonymous said...



That Mourinho guy is a piece of shit though.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time

Captain's Log

Anonymous said...


Larry said...

Captains log.....

Anonymous said...

Puzzle - Captain's Log.

Anonymous said...

B6: What was the title of the book on tape?

Ralph Henry said...

Sorry, Raul, I don't remember.

Anonymous said...

Renewable energy makes you sad?

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