About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 21, 2024

FRIDAY #5658

 One Of My Very Own






I know. Do you know?


I have never seen that before but I do remember when airlines would give out packs of five during flights.


I had a coworker who had over an hour's commute every morning and evening. I asked him what he did during the drive and he said that he listened to music which is cool I guess. When I suggested he could listen to great literature on books on tape or even learn a new language he looked at me like I had lost my mind.


Of all the children I have taught, LaQuentheus was my favorite name - he spelled it Lutherque.


I once attempted to make a list of all the places I had ever stuck my dick but my pen ran out of ink on page 453.


Yeah, he knows he's holy and that there's not a damn thing you can do about it.


I pride myself on knowing the difference between worthless junk and prized artifacts.


That woman understands Rule #39.






Do you think it's another motorcycle or a drone doing the filming?




Many times I see an image on the internet that reminds me of something wonderful in my own life and that image is no exception. When I was writing novels I would often go to a place that matched the scene in my book to write. I did that to experience the sounds, smells, and feel of the place.





When my wife and I were in Paris we stayed at a very old hotel with a light well in the middle similar to this. 

The windows across the way were only twenty or so feet away. Europe was experiencing a heat wave at the time and everyone slept naked on top of their covers with their windows open and every morning I woke up to dozens of views like this.





Nowadays people put rubber mats on top of the carpeting in their cars and when they sell that car the mats go with the car meaning that the carpet may never be seen or felt. Maybe it's time to just do away with the carpeting.



This man spends time, money, and effort every single morning scraping the hair off that chin.

That man needs a beard desperately.


What would you do if you were sitting on an airplane and this happened?














Anonymous said...

Comma, comma, comma, comma, comma, chamelion.

By the way- voice to text did not work on the above words.


Ron said...

I would ask “Dude! What the fuck is wrong with your left foot? That toe sticking out like the alien didn’t really know how to create a proper human foot.” Then I would ask if he minds if I put a photo of it on a fetish website.

Anonymous said...

Do you think it's another motorcycle or a drone doing the filming?

It's a drone.


Anonymous said...

Nowadays people put rubber mats on top of the carpeting in their cars and when they sell that car the mats go with the car meaning that the carpet may never be seen or felt. Maybe it's time to just do away with the carpeting.

The carpeting also helps with noise absorption.

Anonymous said...

This man spends time, money, and effort every single morning scraping the hair off that chin.

What chin?

billr said...

^^A3^^ Ha ha, "they used Soviet tanks that used diesel. Unfortunately, the German tanks ran on petrol, so the suicide dogs ended up running under the Soviet tanks instead."

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Bill,
Reminds me of the "Bat Bombs" that burned down our buildings.

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