About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 10, 2024

MONDAY #5647

 One Of My Very Own






As old as the Internet...



Damn, that looks like fun.




At my age the odds that this is my last day is increasing exponentially.


I watched children realize for the first time that the image in the mirror was themselves when they reached up and removed a piece of tape on their forehead.



Something you don't see every day...




Food to die for.





Is that a drain?



That seems to be a competition of some sort.


I had to blow it up but I figured it out!






How did we get this stupid? 






Hell, that's worse than Texas.


Driver Madness




Problems, Problems


It's Mister To You


There's Always Time








Anonymous said...

Is that a drain?

It's a bench.


Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Spock with a Glock

Anonymous said...

A9 as I understand it, you voted for Bush Sr, right? He appointed Clarence Thomas in March of 91. Later that year Democrats catch wind of an alleged sexual harassment to one Anita Baker by her co-worker Clarence. Democrats take their chance and try to persecute him. I'm sure you remember this, maybe not. But he makes a joke about a hair on his coke can looking like a pubic hair. And she felt sexually harassed but continues to work with him. Anyways what I'm trying to get to is Democrats did not want him on the supreme Court and Joe Biden was the most bigoted and hateful person to him. With just that said, do you think he has hate towards the democratic party for the misery and humiliation they put him and his family through? Pushing him to being the "Clearance" Thomas your meme says him to be? -Armando

Anonymous said...

A8: a crucial screening test for the pup before continued training in the guiding eyes program. If they over react, or don't show an appropriate level of curiosity, then it's a waste to keep them in the training cycle. Flunk them out and they get adopted.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Armando,
I'm not ignoring you, I just don't know what to say except to ask if you are okay with all justices accepting gifts from people who have cases before the court?

Anonymous said...

Ralph, no judge should take gifts. Clarence Thomas taking a little here a little there is a big middle finger to everyone. It could be a byproduct of the hate he received along his journey. I don't agree with him, I just wonder why he's where he's at in life, I think that's a fair assessment -Armando

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