About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


One Of My Very Own




As old as the internet.


Teaching is an extraordinarily rewarding career.


A peak experience that kid will never forget.


They would literally die to protect that child.



I try. God knows I try.


My sister decided to go to school to become a nurse after her children had moved out. She became a neonatal nurse but couldn't handle the deaths of babies so she became a hospice nurse and is the closest thing to an angel I have ever met. Truly.






I can't stress enough that you should never rest your feet on the airbag.



I couldn't figure out what was happening.








At least cyclists can see him better.


My wife feeds and hydrates an old homeless woman a couple of times a week. Knowing I'm an artist she brings me little trinkets that she finds during her wanderings. And yes, she's crazy as a shit house rat.


Maybe it's at the beach and they use it to get water out of the ears of the kids.



I love watching these...

^^C 5-7^^

The campers I've rented had something similar.







What's next?


Anonymous said...

Puzzle time:
What it is ain't exactly clear


Larry said...

Puzzle time, what it is ain’t exactly clear......

Anonymous said...

^^C3^^ Kid probably got a concussion.

Anonymous said...

A4 - Did you hear that recently a couple's family dog killed their 6 week old baby boy? Another 7 month old girl was mauled to death by the pet dog. Then there was the 84 year old man just sitting on his porch when the neighbor's dogs attacked and killed him. I would never let any dogs near my baby if I had one.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A4 Anon,
People kill people. Would you let one of them near your baby?

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