About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, June 29, 2024


 One Of My Very Own



The debate was a disaster for Biden. 

I support finding another candidate.



Eggs fried in bacon grease - yummy!



It got flipped.


This is another tattoo.



It says a lot about human nature that they have been told that he is coming soon for 2000 years and they still fall for it.


When religion was invented they had to house the good and bad characters in places where people could go check for themselves thus above the clouds and under the Earth. But we have gone above the clouds and we have gone under the Earth and discovered the truth.





NOTE: Some sites I visit have a comment section for each item and it is very informative. Others just give you the image and you have to figure it out with no explanation. I'm going to guess that he is cooking chicken legs in a very unusual manner. 








Not really practical in the South where you would be boiled alive.








Why do people choose to believe bullshit like the autism scam?

I have a theory. Some people's conservative identity is so ingrained that their whole worldview consists of finding out what the liberals are for and then they oppose it. Liberals are for vaccines so they are by default against them.



If I'm not mistaken, those are to keep marine mammals off the structure.


Cat perches atop SWAP sniper.



A person sat at a computer and wrote that line. I'm sure he smiled when he realized how perfect it was.


That took me much, much too long. As a matter of fact I was just about to ask for help explaining it to me when it dawned on me.


I once thought of ordering one of those.









Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: just take that same cylinder in the first image and shave the two vertical sides off, tangent to the base of the cylinder to the midpoint on the other side.

Visualization aid - you have a cylinder of chalk the same size as the cylinder in the first image. You rub it back and forth on the pavement on both sides until you have a wedge.

You have not changed the shadow that creates the circle. You have not changed the shape in such a way that no longer casts a square shadow.
But when you shine a light from the top, it'll make a triangle.


Anonymous said...



Bill Ward said...

The debate was a disaster for Biden.
I support finding another candidate.

They wanted the debate, what did they expect to happen, surely I'm not the only one that saw this clusterfsck coming from a mile away?

Listen to this, she's oblivious,

330 million people and these two are the best the USA has to offer, c'mon man!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

B5 - Ever go for a ride in an AMC Pacer? Same thing, but with an 8 track player.

Anonymous said...

"The debate was a disaster for Biden.
I support finding another candidate."

I think it's too late, we are stuck with him unfortunately.

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