About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

SUNDAY #5660

 One Of My Very Own





Notice that they didn't do that for vegetables.


And his face tells me he just doesn't give a shit.





Have you ever been that cool?


It works best if you invite a lot of rich people.




What would that do to bare skin?


That old photo I found in an antique store that looked exactly like me was a real thrill.


Those magnificent bastards.


Not me. I will literally hurt myself to finish.


Speaking of finishing projects..


When I was writing I was very careful not to have my characters be stupid. But remember, there is a difference between making a mistake and being stupid.






Men will fuck around like that no matter where they work. We did silly shit in a nuclear missile bay.









Modern Chariots



I will never forget the gasps of sorrow from 500 children when it was announced at an assembly that I was retiring.










Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time:
It sure as hell ain't no "palm" tree!

- MacGyver

Anonymous said...

B1: it's called media blasting. They incorporated a nest little laser beam to make it look cool. You can see the media as the beam shines through it.

Depending on the media, it could either rip your skin off or just give you road rash.


Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: palm tree


Anonymous said...

What would that do to bare skin?

Absolutely nothing.


Anonymous said...


Fake AI shit.


Anonymous said...


Very true.

Spam4phil said...

How lovely! a baby beach chair hatching from its egg. They are a little unsteady on their legs at first, but soon will make their way to stack with its litter mates outside of Home Depot.

Angel Slot said...

Well that's disappointing ...couldn't it at least fix some blemishes?

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