About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

SUNDAY #5667

 One Of My Very Own








So what? That proves nothing.























Rubik's Cube in milliseconds


Those fuckers are crazy. I have heard jaw dropping insane words coming out of their mouths.







Are you thinking what I'm thinking?



Bill Ward said...

So what? That proves nothing.

Someone should explain to them that food stamps are socialism. /s

Anonymous said...


That's about its max payload.
Did you know that those protrusions on the front are to cut through cables should they accidentally fly into them.

Anonymous said...


Always thought quackery. One day I hurt my lower back badly, the worst pain I ever experienced, could not put socks or shoes on, had to shuffle walk bent over supporting myself on the wall. I went to doctors, physiotherapists, specialist etc etc, the end result was I had to have surgery. Now I knew people who had back surgery never end up the same so my ex-gf farher drove me to the quack, he asked me a bunch of questions, took xrays and got on the table, he took all of 5 mins. The pain was instantly gone, I could walk normally, I was fine, I almost cried of relief.

I'm still of the opinion that the majority are quacks but not the guy that stopped me going under the knife.

Anonymous said...

puzzle Pizza the Hut?

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