About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 One Of My Very Own






Look at this roof.


Automotive Airbag?











It sort of looks like a mouth.


It looks a bit over-engineered.





I'm thinking the water breaks the fall to keep it from shattering.



That says a lot about English women.


I've never thought about killing myself but if I did I would carefully consider how sad it would make a whole lot of people.






I don't get it.



I think it's time for the old priest/young priest.



My buddy Dave was once leaning out his driver's door backing up his van and the door snagged his chainlink fence and ripped it clean off.




Whale Roadside Assistance









Anonymous said...

puzzle time: being the psychopath that I am, I would just pick up the knife and stab Susie in the neck.

Billy and I would then take one apple each and enjoy our day.


Jon said...

Puzzle Time
Line the apples up and cut 1/3 from each at the same time

Anonymous said...

I've never thought about killing myself but if I did I would carefully consider how sad it would make a whole lot of people.

Many of them believe nobody would actually miss them.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time

Stab one person in the neck killing them.

Anonymous said...


billr said...

^^A10^^ 50+ years ago in Ann Arbor MI I walked by a decorative pond on my way to my gf's apartment one day. There were always a lot of ducks hanging out on the pond. On this day, there were probably 100 ducks floating on the pond, and they were all facing toward one duck that was standing on a log at one end of the pond. This duck was just standing there quacking his fucking head off like he was haranguing all the rest of the ducks like a preacher or politician. I watched it for about 5 minutes. He was still going at it when I had to leave.

^^B4^^ Funnier every time

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