About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 26, 2024

FRIDAY #5693

 One Of My Very Own




We love our neighborhood. Mostly college professors and we all stay in touch online. My wife insisted that I post this posting.




I told my wife of a dream I had and she insisted that I share it with you nice people. Before I start I would like to remind everyone that this is a commercial ice maker and they are usually larger than a washing machine..

The Dream: I accompanied a friend to a poker game in a huge warehouse filled with every sort of human being. Each of us moved from table to table, drinking the whole time. When it came time to sleep cots were set up. The next morning the lady in charge walked up to me and said, "Why did you pee in the ice maker?" I denied it and she asked if I would like to see the video tape and with a remote lowered a mammoth 20' TV out of the ceiling. And on the screen was me peeping around to make sure I wasn't being seen then pulled out my dick and peed in the ice machine. And all the hundreds of poker players turned to stare at me mouth agape.


Sorry, but it reminds me of roadkill.



Why? We all know what THRU means.







How is that even possible? You would think their insurance company would insist that such things are not possible.











The Meat Man at the grocery store.


My wife and I once bought an 8' wife 24" deep pool and had a ball in it.




I've never heard of a teacher leaving the profession because of he children. They leave because of management.










Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


It's actually L shaped.


Anonymous said...

^^A8^^ That shit weighs a ton. That one big ass lens on his left shoulder is probably more than 10 pounds all by itself.

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