About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, July 20, 2024


 One Of My Very Own







That is very similar to that hedge I saw in Germany that was as high and wide as a two-story house and had all the windows cut out just like that.



Dalmatians have an affinity for horses and were used when horses pulled pumps.



I'm assuming instant rejection.




I look at scenes like that and conveniently forget the bug bites, the splinters, the heat, the hard seating, and the danger of venomous snakes.



Two people immune to whimsy.




A friend and I were out in the woods squirrel hunting and he made the statement that his .22 was more deadly than my 12 guage shotgun because his slug was larger. I asked for his attention, aimed my shotgun at the base of a sapling about as thick as my wrist, and blew it completely in half toppling the tree. He had no idea.


The days of sending huge formations of hundreds of bombers to a single target are over because we have nuclear air-to-air missiles that will blow all of them out of the sky with one shot.





She looks exact like my daughter when she came home on leave. She served for 8 years and saw the world. Four of those years were in war zones where she got hazardous duty pay.



"My eyes are up here."

"Yeah, but your boobs are down here."


I'm still amazed that sobriety came to me so easily.












NOTE: PLEASE don't send me any more articles. Most have a paywall and many of them fill my email inbox with pleas that I subscribe.


Anonymous said...

Puzzle time. Cock suckers.

Anonymous said...


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