About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


 One Of My Very Own



Why wouldn't she just educate him as to what she prefers?



Old people's parkour.


You wouldn't put up with that from roommates, children, spouses, other pets, or anything else but people do accept it from cats.


I'll bet they have a machine for that now.


I'll have some of what he had.


It seems that it would be relatively easy to strap a piece of wood on top of those brackets to make a real step.


What did the kid do?








My nephew was head of security for the world's largest maker of ATM machines. He's a very smart man.


That could be a wooden egg like I have but I doubt it.


The ultimate enabler.


Do you think that was faked?



Bullshit. They forget the military draft.






My wife named one of her stores Sid & Nancy but look how I painted the sign.





That took a lot of work.


*Think global warming

Please watch this:



"The last generation to die of old age has already been born."











Anonymous said...


Is his name James by any chance?

Larry said...

Broken promise

Ralph Henry said...

Dear B3,

Anonymous said...

^^A8^^ The greedy little shit held out his shirt when she popped the balloon to catch all the stuff falling out and tried to run away with it all. Everybody already hates him but he'll grow up to be an oligarch if somebody doesn't kill him first.

Anonymous said...

A4 - Who told you we accept that behavior from a cat or did you just assume it? The cat is in a Vet's office and probably stressed and scared.

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