About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, August 5, 2024

MONDAY #5703

 One Of My Very Own





Please help me understand something. Egg prices soared because the egg companies wanted greater profits. This (and other examples) was blamed on Biden. What specifically could he have done to lower the price of eggs?














My wife read me a diatribe on FaceBook where a MAGA complained that Harris had no experience. She was #2 person for four years. There is no better experience than that.

And they had no problem with voting for Trump in 2016 when he had NO experience in government. And then they claimed he was a great business man - who declared bankruptcy a dozen or so times meaning he weaseled out of his debts.

Logic need not apply.


He said that he lowered insulin prices to $13. But worse than flat-out lying he expects you to be stupid enough to believe it.





*They know nothing of science so they conclude science is bad. They couldn't get into a good college so college is bad. They don't read books so books need banning. They have no idea how vaccines work so vaccines are bad. I think a pattern is developing.



I ran across some rather interesting plants.


^^C 1-10^^








Anonymous said...

A2 wouldn't egg prices go up due to paying deliverers more to account for high fuel prices? -Armando

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Armando,
What a great question. Any increase in their cost would cause prices to rise. The problem is that egg producers used that as an excuse to raise their PROFITS to record levels.
Now let's discuss what the President can do to lower gas prices.

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