About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

TUESDAY #5704 10 10s

 One Of My Very Own




10 10s

I dragged out all the leftover pieces that I’ve amassed over the years and assembled them to form ten more or less identical hanging objects. Each has a ten-dollar bill hanging from the bottom – thus the name. 



#1&2: When I found the metal rings I knew I wanted to hang the pieces from a dowel.

#3: The ring is attached to the piece by leftover leather from my cash holster projects.

#4: A round washer did some weird bending of the leather so I used a Scrabble tile because of its straight sides.

#5&7 are pieces saved from dismantling an old piano in 1982.

#6 The piano pieces are joined with a brass clip manufactured to secure an identification tag to a pig's ear.

#8 Antique wooden sewing thread spool from a bag of them left in my house by the previous owner.

#9: I originally had a fender washer in the transition of the two components but hated it. So I drilled holes in quarters and used a smaller washer as a spacer.

#10 Stage curtains are supported by a long piece of channel iron with a slit in the bottom. The big end of this piece slid inside the channel iron with the thin end hanging down and secured to the curtain.

#11: Wooden discs left in my house by the previous owner. I think they were sawn off the ends of large wooden spools.

#12: The newest member of the assemblage.

#13: Another style of pig ear tag things.

#14: $10 bill with face rolled outward.

#15: I filled the void in the bottom of the test tube with BBs.


They now grace my kitchen window right above the sin - optimum viewing pleasure. 




Guess what this is.


 Lemon was left hanging on her tree, growing to this over the winter.


My wife paid hundreds of dollars for a set of knives like that. I thought they were overpriced but they are just as sharp today as they were 30 years ago.











I saw one of those in Puerto Rico but the center wasn't milky like that one. 




Boy, that sure looks like something I built.








This is Jaime Harrison the chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

When he was running for mayor of my fair city he spent a lot of time sitting at my kitchen table talking to my wife. I like the guy.


I've mentioned my friend Kent several times. He was the Editorial Page editor for our state's largest newspaper. Besides writing headlines, he would sit at a conference table for an hour with every single presidential candidate who came to South Carolina.


I grew up in the South with no AC and that's how I thought candles were supposed to look. 


Police use horses on this beach. What do you suppose they do with the horse shit?



I corrected a history professor at the university when he stated that the Boomer Generation showed their social consciousness by protesting the Vietnam War. I told him that if the draft hadn't put their lives in jeopardy the boomers wouldn't have given a shit about a war in Asia.









Anonymous said...


Track ballast looks so uninteresting but when you read up on it you realize it's more than just crushed stone.

Anonymous said...


His surname is Harrison. He lobbied for Podesta Group, a dodgy organization.

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