About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Check out the size of the patrons' derrieres...
Deep fried butter! Jeeeeez!
Two men + a cylindrical can + vuvuzela = two very different solutions... Further, the vuvuzelas are being defended on the grounds that it is "cultural" to the host nation. That being the case, could we expect when the World Cup comes to America that there will be porn on the big screens and Lazy Boys in the stands?
I think this is an ambushed gasoline truck... _____________________________________________
And now a few new inventions...
If we saw these on the feet of some child in Somalia, we would all be donating more money to the relief organizations...
I like this because it ranks high on the "Never Seen Before" meter...
Brilliant... When I wired my small 10'x10' office, I put 24 outlets in it. Only 5 are now idle.
But this one is genius! You take a picture and the device turns it into a rubber stamp.
Think of the possibilities...
This last one is cute, but just plain stupid. What problem does it solve? _____________________________________________
My new glasses are awful, but it's my own fault. I cheated on the eye exam. I'm very competitive.
Let's revisit farm subsidies. This $13 billion program gives cash to 1.8 MILLION so-called farmers. In South Florida alone a reporter found that 234 dead people were getting checks. Although created during the Great Depression to aid small farmers, today thousands of the recipients are millionaires or large corporations and...AND individuals who own land in America, but have never lived here, including Saudi bigwigs.
Farm subsidies is America's largest corporate welfare program. Why? 1200 lobbyist with a $133 budget.
And you wonder why I want to vote all the bums out?
I had to look at this one twice to get it...
One of my very own... Another of my very own... _____________________________________________

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