About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My bartender told me that there was a bum standing in front of Starbucks selling vitamin D. I laughed out loud. Nevermind that he probably got the pills out of the dumpster behind the drugstore, VITAMIN D IS FUCKING SUNSHINE. Couldn't his customers, WHO WERE STANDING OUTSIDE at the time of purchase, just roll up their sleeves or something?
When I was growing up we used to practice diving under our desks in case of a nuclear attack. Yeah, that ought to do it.
But now the world is actually contemplating Iran having a bomb big enough to wipe out a whole city. That, gentle readers, is terrifying.
FOUL!!!! FOUL!!!!!!!! _____________________________________________
Jeeeeeeeeeez.... _____________________________________________
We have all needed one of these, haven't we? ______________________________________________
The next two guys have way too much time on their hands... ______________________________________________
This is a wonderful example of my mantra, which is: IF IT CAN BE MADE FUNNY, THEN MAKE IT FUNNY... ______________________________________________
These guys would have been stuffed in a locker 30 seconds after stepping foot in my high school... _____________________________________________
They have discovered another planet... _____________________________________________
Read carefully... _____________________________________________
If you are one of the seven people on the planet who does not know what happens when you put Mentos in Diet Coke, I offer this tutorial... ______________________________________________ One of my very own...

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