About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

"No, no, son, there's no such thing as dreams...all that stuff really happened to you and probably will again...soon. Now go back to sleep. Good night."
"Dress every day like you gonna get murdered in those clothes."
My youth is getting older.
(this next one is worth clicking on to enlarge)
Be yourself...people won't like you anyway.
This is neat as shit....I WANT! ______________________________________________
This is Britain's new Taranis, a stealth pilotless, partly autonomous fighter. ______________________________________________
My buddy, Major Mel, sent me a photo of his unit...he's the goofy looking one... ______________________________________________
(ps: At least one of these guys has a huuuuuuge secret)
Speaking of such, a widowed Australian woman hired a gay guy to help her around the sheep farm. She was delighted at how knowledgeable he was and how hard he worked all month, so on the first payday she gave him some extra cash and told him to go to town and have a good time on her.
When he returned later that night, she was sitting on the porch waiting.
"Take off my blouse," she whispered.
He did.
"Take off my bra."
He did.
"Take my shoes off."
He did.
She stood. "Now, don't ever wear my clothes again!"
I'm betting money this guy is NOT a gay guy... ______________________________________________
There are only three kinds of people:
- Those who are dead and gone forever
- Those awaiting their turn to die, rot and be gone forever
- Those who have or will soon float up to a place in the sky and live forever
One of my very own... _______________________________________________

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