About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

(NOTE TO BLOG FOLLOWERS: I have tired of producing one post a day. I find it an unnecessary restriction. Therefore, from now on I will post whenever the fuck I want to post. Thank you.
(Oh, and by the way, my blog clock is fucked up and I don't want to spend the time to straighten it out. Sorry, but give post dates and times no mind.)
This play set comes with a boss, a hippie, and a mime for impaling on your pretty play unicorn (with interchangeable horns).
(I have ordered one for my first grandchild. I plan to give it to her/him on their fifth birthday...just to fuck with my son-in-law)
Something you don't think about everyday...Those zany Russians... __________________________________________________
I would propose to you, that this man, a veteran of war, CAN CHOOSE TO LISTEN TO OR NOT TO LISTEN TO WHATEVER THE FUCK HE WANTS TO....Thank you. ___________________________________________________
The instructions she was given was to create something from memory.... (my mother told me that her mother, at the age of 89, was having..."female" problems and the doctor suggested that she have her vagina surgically closed and this fiesty woman protested strongely, with an added...."You never know what life holds in store for you.")
__________________________________________________ (This is a sketch of my last annivesary)
I KNOW this is silly, but I still like it... _________________________________________________
Oops! (if you didn't smile at this photo, you might want to look at it again)
I bet this has something to do with meth... Speaking of drugs and such... This poor, stupid bastard. His crime was getting caught. Every...let me repeat that...EVERY man on Earth looks at porn. To make that clear (er)...I have never met a man who didn't look at porn. Further, if you are denied porn, strip joints, prostitutes, etc, then I suggest that you will find your own porn...like young choir boys. So there.
Then there is the pot that the boy is being humiliated for smoking...many people fall for the line that pot is the gateway drug for....oh, meth. I suggest that the counter argument is that milk is the gateway drink for...oh, alcohol. It really, really, really doesn't work like that. (Thanks, Tom...you fucking free-thinker!)
(Further...I say if he could have smoked dope, he would have...the others....not so much)
You only need to click on this to enlarge if you are in the mood for real silliness... ___________________________________________________
This cartoon is also very silly, but the very slight deference between the shape of the man's mouth in the second panel and that of the last panel made me laugh...but maybe that's just me.
Speaking of colorblind....
The first test the Air Force gave me to see if I was fit to work on nuclear weapons was for colorblindness. The reason given was being able to identify the device to the left; a resistor. Resistors are used in circuitry and the color bands translates to the strength of the device. Many very competent candidates for this prestigious cadre were rejected for being color blind; however, while I was pulling nuclear warheads out of missiles and such, I never, ever saw a resistor...not once...in four years.
But that is not the silliest thing to happen to me in the Air Force. Once a top secret memo was issued concerning a minor modification to a frequency setting and each person that worked on the nukes was asked to read it and initial in the margins to indicate that they had, in fact, read and understood it.
Then, an hour later, I was called back into the office and told that I was NOT AUTHORIZED to have read that document.
(read the next part carefully)
I was instructed to erase my intitials, then intitial my erasure.
I laughed.
They did not.
I consider myself pretty fucking good at only three games: Foosball, poker and Astroids.
Astroids was a primative video game featuring a little triangular spaceship that you use to destroy the crude circles (astroids). The trick is not to destroy them all, but to leave one or two astroids, then score many more points destroying the little "enemy" space ships that appear to "kill" you. I could play for hours on one quarter. The scoring only allowed me to rack up a maximum of 99,990 points; any more scoring and it would roll the score back to zero. I had dozens of high scores listed on "my" machine with that maximum score, which is much harder than it sounds. People used to stand behind me to watch...not bragging...just stating fact.
Nowadays, people play games like Barbarian Stomp or Playground Dismemberment and they all seem to involve human slaughter. I just don't get it.
(and for you parents, there are hundreds of what are called "Physics Games" that are extraordinarily challenging AND educational.)
Speaking of physics....
One of my very own...
Men will find this funny...

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