This has got to be one of the strangest photos I've seen in a long, long time.
A: She was caught trying to conceal and steal a chicken.
B: She is in some pain and, like a steak to a damaged eye, is seeking relief.
C: We don't really know where the other leg of the chicken do we?
D: She is crazy as a shit house rat.
HOOKERS: Cutting the bullshit out of dating since 5,000 BC.
White people seem to be rather fond of getting naked in public...
This is a stone age antler carved into a peculiar shape and scientists aren't certain of it's purpose. Perhaps I could be of assistance.
Look carefully...those are doll parts whose shadow add up to a figure...
I've found another gift for my first grandchild, but I'm only going to give it three shades of need to spoil the little bastard...
We all know exactly what she's saying, don't we...
The Farsi cartoon says: "Don't worry. He has a practical necessity".
I don't get it and neither does F.
Oops, wrong thread.
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