About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

You know, if they could hook this up to plumbing somehow, it would be cool as shit... *****
Interesting this.... *****

"I don't understand why people say I'm a slut...I can count all the guys I've slept with on one hand."

"Yeah, if that hand was holding a calculator."

***** *****
No photoshop this...it's made of wire... *****

Kentucky Fried is testing a new sandwich at select stores. A "5 layer of fried chicken skin, lumped on a bun and topped with white american cheese and bacon." Mmmm, I can already feel my intestines trying to escape out my butthole.

***** ( If you throw like this........then a goofy hat is the least of your problems...)
Televangelists - the pro wrestlers of religion... ( Could someone please explain to me why people who really, really believe in miracles by people thousands of years ago, immediately reject this man as a fraud? I need help with this. )

In March 2001, Edward Mezvinsky was indicted and later pleaded guilty to 31 of 69 charges of bank fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud. Nearly $10 million was involved in the crimes. Shortly after his indictment, he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but the judge at his trial disallowed a mental illness defense. After serving five years in federal prison, he was released in April 2008. He is expected to remain on federal probation until 2011, and owes substantial restitution to his victims.

Who, exactly is "Ed" Mezvinsky? He's Chelsea Clinton's new father-in-law.

( which, of course, I find hilarious. )
***** ( "There are no homosexuals in Iran." Need I say more?)
I read somewhere that right-handed people chew on the right side of their mouths, left-handed on the left. Is that true? Please leave a comment. I fall under this rule. Do you?)
***** Tasteless and insensitive....yeah, yeah, yeah.

Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.

***** BRAVO!
$1175?!?! I wonder if I could fake it...just for the beer money? *****
The neighborhood where I grew up was so rough that there was a back to school knife sale.
"I'm sick of your shit, Morris." (i made that up)
There is a hell of a fantasy in here somewhere... ...maybe two...
Forget love...I'd rather fall in beer.
Reverse psychology? (is that before or after he blows your brains all over your intruding pickup?)
Before there was a wall, there was a Great Velvet Rope of China.
***** ( I have a very good friend who is a retired editor of a newspaper...back when headlines and articles were actually read by an editor. I doubt he would have allowed this.....that's a shame.)
Could somebody explain this to me? Please. *****
The only animal that has never been killed for its pelt.
One of my very own... Same art theme...different caption...

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