About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The image below is one of the very first funny pictures I sent out in what was to become my daily emails. I ran across it yesterday and it still brought a smile to my face.
I feel compelled to discuss what is and what is not appreciated in my email in box. I desperately need your contributions, dear readers, but there are limits to even my threshold of impropriety.
This is political humor. It may not be all that funny, but I get it. This next one is funny. This one is rather deep and reflects my own philosophy. This one is NOT funny. The original image was NOT funny. The hint that a president of the US should be killed is NOT funny. And to juxtapose it with a quote from a real American is insulting. Thank you.
Now back to our regularly scheduled lunacy...
IT'S A JUICE SQEEZER!!!!! (it is also an extraordinarily provocative image)
Remember the steward that quit his job by sliding down the plane's emergency ramp? Here's what the news had to say about his arrest at his home.
NBC New York: “When authorities found Slater he seemed to be in the midst of having sexual relations.”
***** If you didn't use your mouse to try to move the cursor, then you are a better man than I am.
***** *****
Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life.
"Fashion is not art. Fashion isn't even culture. Fashion is advertising. And advertising is money. And for every dollar earned, someone has to pay."
The difference between the coldest and hottest temps....interesting... ...and I predict that we ain't seen nothing yet...
A couple of toys you might have missed...
I would have thought and I seem to remember that they have found a way to recycle tires for something. There must be thousands of pills like this. *****
These photos are called Forced Perspective. Usually they involve people holding suns and stuff, but I wonder how it is that so many people all agreed to do this. *****

Love does not make the world go round.

Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

One of my very own... As you know, I usually don't do cats or babies, but this cat humor is very clever...

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