About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, August 16, 2010

What the hell do they sell on that "Hispanic Food" aisle anyway?
Nice to know if you lose your buckle...something I have never done...
You still want to complain about your job?
This is not a compilation of two photos, but I have no idea what that guy is doing...and apparently, neither does the queen...
If you are a woman it might need to be explained that this woman said that she found these two bullets that were shot into her home. The bullets have not yet been fired.
Sparklers...yeah, they are for children of all ages... (note the proximity to the propane tank)
This reminds me of the time young Lara pushed her dad off a pier, not knowing that he was wearing a $300 pair of sunglasses. Poor child spent hours trying to fish the glasses from the bottom of the lake.
Russian bling... *****
I thought this a great photo, and still do, but found out that it is one of a whole series of dancers doing their thing in odd places.
I want to know the name of this cart's manufacturer...they need some sort of prize...
Either, A) these guys are gay, or B) gunmen just stormed into the bar, or C) It's the last play of the Super Bowl and they had money bet on the game.
Question: Even thought I know that you would want to know, would you ask this guy why he was riding a subway in his bathrobe?......I didn't think so.
I can only assume that this is an Anti-Gay protest (??????), but the graphic is rather clever...
"I have to wait for my uncle to make me one of his wives."

Imagine that you have won a prize in a contest with the following rules:

1: Each morning $86,400.00 will be deposited in your private account for your use.

2: You cannot transfer any money to another account including that of another person.

3: Any money you do not spend during that 24 hours will be taken away.

4: The bank can end the arrangement at any time without prior notice.

What would you do? Probably buy everything you’ve ever wanted, but not just for yourself, but for other people, and not just for the ones you loved, but everybody you met because you couldn’t possibly spend it all yourself.

But if you will just substitute seconds for dollars, this is the game of life, and you, my friend, are a winner.

This will remind everyone in my family of the old Waldrop family reunions...except that there isn't one single beer can in sight...
If she just plays poker she would be perfect... But two out of three ain't bad.
"I'm addicted to wasting time."
The only thing I can figure is that this guy is stealing his neighbors signal and can't get on line inside.
One of my very own... __________________________________________________

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The picture of the queen and the guy with the weird face is to do with a British eccentricity called 'gurning'. To quote Wikipedia "A gurn or chuck, in British English, is an extremely distorted and particular facial expression and a verb to describe the action. A typical gurn involves projecting the lower jaw as far forward and up as possible and covering the upper lip with the lower lip." "Gurning contests are a rural English tradition. They are held regularly in some villages, with contestants traditionally framing their faces through a horse collar — known as "gurnin' through a braffin"

- Robin.

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