About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

IT'S "Let's find us a heifer and have some real fun on the ranch" DAY BOYS AND GIRLS!!!! 

An Anti-Valentine Rally.....oh, okay...
TRUE: McDonald's in Hong Kong will be the first to roll out nuptial packages for couples next year; including baked apple pie wedding cake, dress made out of party balloons, party favors and, of course, in-house catering...........catering & McDonald's; two words I never thought I would see in the same sentence.
You know what this is?
....one night stand. 
Are these too "deep" for you....HAHAHAHAH!!!!
I think that Cabbage Patch kids were designed to get people used to what their children would look like after a nuclear war.
A man I know used to be a New York City cop and he and his partner were driving near Central Park when they got a call that there was a dead man on the sidewalk. It was 11 pm on Christmas Eve and they were due to be off work in an hour, so when they found the bum dead, they did what anyone would do, they rolled the body over the wall into Central Park which was in another precinct. Several minutes later they got another call that neighbors had reported that two cops had thrown a body over the wall, so they drove back. There they found the same body lying in the exact same spot.....THE CENTRAL PARK COPS HAD THROWN IT BACK INTO THEIR PRECINCT!!!!
Please take your seat here on the rock of ineptitude....
DEANNA FAVRE: "Those pictures Brett sent to that reporter was meant for me - but you know Brett - they were intercepted.
 ( "...forced to swallow their pride!" HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! )
Daufuskie Island is the first of several keys that also includes Hilton Head. It got it's name from that fact....
Da-fus-kie...The First Key.
I've learned that you can keep vomiting long after you think you've finished.
NOT FUNNY BUT INTERESTING PART: "Social Mention" is a social media search and analysis platform that aggregates user generated content from across the universe into a single stream of information. It allows you to easily track and measure what people are saying about you, your company or any topic across the web's Facebook, YouTube, Google, etc. You just type in anything and it will show you more shit than you could imagine. Try it at least once.
It sure beats a bake sale....beats...oh, my, I made a little pun.


TRUE: Many years ago the State of Alabama had to decide who exactly was a black person thus due special quotas and came up with a 1/64 as the cut off.  Well, there was the one little old blueblood white woman who got a letter informing her that she was really a black person. She was, to put it mildly, shocked.
 I think this is Mr. Wonka's day job....
Deep this...
Someone wrote to me that I couldn't have a "Man's Blog" without Chuck Norris, sooooo
(for Aaron)

One of my very own...

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