About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This is the grandparent's old home place of the 86 year old woman who hires me to do a lot of artwork in Georgia. She had it moved to near her home and added a couple of rooms on the back....

 This is me suffering through the Arkansas drubbing of my Gamecocks...

Then one to Havana, Florida to mount some figures. After I had mounted this little black boy, I was informed the building owner objected to having a black person on his wall. I refused to remove it, leaving the task to someone less.....sensitive than myself.
 I thought we were waaaaaaay beyond that kind of shit.
 It seems however that Havana Florida is not all that fond of flirting with the 21st Century.
A woman there also told Debbie that she wanted me to paint a little baby Jesus in the manger with Santa Claus leaning over it.....you can't make shit like this up.

I did manage to get an image of myself mounted.
 ...and had a great interview with a Tallahassee TV station.
 Used my dear friend, Jack, as a model, too.

This morning when we were getting ready to leave the motel room, I closed my laptop and put my coffee cup on top of it. My wife made me move it to the table, then she promptly knocked it over on my computer. I but laughed...I'm that kind of husband. Especially after she helped me do my work. She was a GREAT helper. She.....well, she made my work much, much easier and I appreciated it more than you will ever know.
 This is a custom sweeping the globe. People write loving, romantic or superstitious messages on padlocks and attach them to landmarks in specific areas (usually railings and fences) and then throwing the key away.
 Science facts I bet you didn't know....

Poetry that....
TRUE: Seneca, SC - A burglary call for Oconee County sheriff's deputies turned bizarre Monday morning when their suspect was found naked with a mouse in his rectum and apparently drugged.

(I wonder if he stole the mouse, and I also wonder how exactly the cops found out he had a mouse in his rectum, and what they did with the poor rodent, and did the little bastard come out easily or did it have to be coaxed out with cheese or something?)

The yard sale man is a genius of marketing....but why $1.86? What's up with that?

Yeah, being poor sucks....

One of my very own...

A tattoo that actually makes sense.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read that it was a computer mouse, not the Mickey kind, and that it was detected by the cord hanging out....


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