About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, December 13, 2010

( A collection of lame images not lame enough to throw away )

 "Fifty Islands I have not visited and never will."
How in the fuck did this guy get published?

I can not image anything I would like to do more than sit around drinking with Hemingway.

WARNING: This is not funny.

Got a space problem? Brilliant solution.

For all you people who want to draw MORE attention to yourself in airports.

A real building. I don't know why.

Once seen it can not be unseen.

Humans dress up like pandas to feed the cubs until they are old enough to feed themselves.

(why not just drink out of the bottle like I do?)

I was planning a collection of images titled "The Luck of the Draw", but it didn't pan out.
I wanted to comment on how where you are born dictates your lot in life. In America we took the greatest, richest, freest place on earth and totally fucked it up.


I know it's silly, but....

Okay, this is a calendar to help you track your moods all year long.
For what purpose I have no idea.

I hate to be a pessimist, but I don't see us pulling ourselves out of this.

I just listened to a lengthy lecture on the Federal Reserve. It was very depressing. The key phrase was "Cartel", which is what it really is...a Money Cartel. If you ever had any doubts about the game being fixed, you should do some research. Start with G. Edward Griffin on Google Videos.

This, dear readers, is the hottest pepper in the world. It measures 1,359,000 on the Scoville scale of hotness...beating the old hottest by half a mil.

A Japanese space probe just missed Venus...retry in 6 years.

Does anyone else out there refill bottles with tap water, and if not, why not?

I'm usually cool with just about anything a person wants to do with their lives, but breast feeding a six year old seems to be.........freaky.

One of my very own...


She could put an eye out with those things!

1 comment:


“Hemingway hailed Castro’s revolution as ‘very pure and beautiful,'” Fontova said. “He was also a guest of honor at many of Che Guevara’s firing squad massacres. Hemingway loved to watch Che’s firing squads murder hundreds of Cubans. Hemingway would watch the massacres from a picnic chair while sipping Daiquiris.”Hemingway was a sick bastard.

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