Most of the following images are not all that funny...but they are....odd. Most, I have no explanation whatsoever, and when I state I would like them clarified, I mean it.
"Graaaaaaaaand Paaaaaaaaaa?!?!?!"
Sweet Jesus.....
This is not all that weird, except for the little kid who seems to not even notice that something is weird...
Put on your thinking caps here, boys and girls, and come up with just one plausible explanation for this....
Check out the looks on all the faces. I think the guy without the sunglasses knows that somebody's ass is about to get kicked....
This is so fucking unique that I actually like it....
How much attention does one man need?
This may be the only time that marijuana might get you killed....
I have no idea.....
Where is your god now?
This has Catholic Church written all over it....
It's like a rule...
What could be funnier than little Timmy getting mauled by Aunt Martha's dog?
Shit is about to get serious...
This comes in handy every year when the circus silt walkers march through town...
The next time you think your son or daughter is getting a little weird, think of this photo....
This image is not all that good, but it's been in my file for years and I'm tired of looking at it.
BREAKING NEWS: That website featuring only women eating salad while laughing, NOW ADDED MEN EATING SALAD WHILE EATING SALAD!!!!!!!
( I wonder if this is how Richard Gere got started? )
Morons....we all know at least one...
And you thought you had problems...
"Tow Truck, my ass!!!"
There is a menstrual joke in here somewhere....
Oh.....okay. And thanks Mr. Wrapped in a Blanket Guy.
What the fuck does this mean? I mean it...I have no idea.
Question: Does religion cause really bad art or is it the other way around?
And what the fuck is that child standing on???? I mean it! What the fuck is a crotch shelf?!?!
One of my very own....
One of my very own....
That's easy for her to say with a squash and a cucumber in hand....
Speaking of cucumbers....
I think they really, really, really like one another....
so i think that the photo of the lady in court bending over could only have one explanation. she was in someway demonstrating what happened to her that lead to her being in court, and that was the easiest way to do it.
second the hugo chavez thing. i watched a documentary on nextflix, america's war on democracy. the main guy that is interviewed throughout the movie is chavez. its remarkable. i highly encourage you to watch it, your outlook on chavez is bound to change. he makes one good point when interviewed. that is that he became president of venezuela and began lifting thousands upon thousands out of poverty and into a growing middle class, and he says that because of the monroe doctrine, the united states had no choice but to brand him as an evil ruthless man, but when you watch the movie all you ever see is the common man, the little guy, the factory worker, the teacher, and all the others inn the middle praise him for standing up to america, and they praise him for standing up against the rich in venezuela. his people adore him its fascinating to hear it from the people and from chavez himself. he comes across as not only a great leader, but a pretty laid back, good guy. america's war on democracy check it out
The pic of the woman being photographed w/ the backdrop was quite moving.
your wife
I also agree w/ the boy re the woman "showing her ass" to the judge.
your (current) wife
Rather suffer an injustice than commit one.
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