About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Just back from a family reunion with folks I haven't seen in years. Lots of thoughts on the gathering....later.

This guy's shirt left off three words...."to be a"....

 (I love jokes like that.)

Instructions for joining the Mile High Club....
Brought to you by this man...


Take the time to answer the question before reading on....

(If you're a guy, you will say this to someone soon)

(I captioned this myself)

Oh my god! It's going to be a bloodbath!
 (if you don't know why that's funny, it's okay, it really is)

This watch is rewound by the slightest breeze. That's right, a wind powered watch.

Does anyone know how (or if) this works?

This is a repost, but it freaked me out so much I want to give you another look see.
During travels out west I looked over at the mountains in the far distance and saw this.
 This is the interesting feature that caught my attention.
 This is that mountain vertical.

Man runs into guard rail and almost becomes a girl...

A goat. A goat in a boat. A goat in a boat in a moat.

Another repost, but I laughed the second time I got it...

As if anyone needs a manual...
But then there are always people trying to make you feel guilty about it...

Very clever, this....

This is the last image taken of this thief before it was arrested after being recognized and reported to police...

Well? What pissed him off?

Man buys a house and finds $45,000 in small bills in attic. He turns it over to police.
Not me. I think that all those tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars you paid for the house, the plumbing, the wiring, the drive way, the grass, etc, makes the money the property of the new owner.

DO NOT look at this next image!!!!

I spent all weekend surrounded with children of all ages. I loved every minute of it.

I put another child on my knee to "help" me play poker. I'm now on my second generation of children that I've turned off to the art of poker playing. I introduced his father to the game on the same knee.

Just another Streetview snafu...


So what would you do on the first night if you win the lottery?

One of my very own....


It's important to stretch before workouts...

Wouldn't you love to see what this woman is stretching for?!?!

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