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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Just thought I'd wish my wife Happy Valentine's Day by reminding her of the good old days....
I remember when I first met my wife. I asked her if she was free on Friday.
She said, "Free? No. But $50 shouldn't be considered excessive.....unless, of course, you want freaky.

This is a caterpillar with a very effective adaptation...

(did you notice the carefully selected juxtaposition of the design in the last two images?)

I had a "friend" a long time ago who was a ballet dancer. I've been fascinated by them ever since...you should have seen how she put the old plie' to use.......I mean damn!

Why would this man want to do this?
Or this?
Or this?
They want thrills you say? Why don't they all just move to the ghetto in a major city and find the thrill of having to find a way to survive every fucking day.

Royalty......................FUCK royalty.

This is Mr. Tyson. If you don't know who he is, look him up on YouTube.....please. Or at least ask your kids to. He is a national treasure.
(and that he uses a Mac only makes me respect him more)

I wrote a novel with one of the main characters was an albino, hair-lipped midget biker......I swear.
(his name was Hung Willy because his manhood ran down his leg and had to be tucked in his boot)
(and you say writers shouldn't take drugs......BAH!)

Girls, if you want to have a great Facebook photo, just put your pants back on and move away from the bathroom mirror.... 

...forget the duck face.... 

...and just smile.
No need to thank me.

Having collected stones shaped like hearts for decades. I have also collected seashells with holes. Therefore I find this exceedingly....odd....

I think this is designed to grow into a natural canopy...

Know what this is? Give it a minute.
The top of a bucket of water frozen, removed.

This is rather cool...


Well, look what Johnny swallowed.....
But wouldn't you want to take the item home with you if it had just been cut out of your stomach? I damn sure would.

Interesting photo for such a headline, don't you think?

Not so many years ago the Thames froze over, so let's not panic yet....

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.....

Made from rifle barrels....
(check out the leg........????? You think it's a political statement?)

This morning my wife asked if I heard anything the night before. I didn't, even though the house directly behind us burned down.
The key words in the above is that the 60 year old occupant of the house got home at 3 a.m.





Anonymous said...

I wonder if the crab places the sand alls on the outer edges first, then works to the inside.

The pattern made me think of other natural phenomena, like conch shell spirals, that are mathematically explained by the Fibonacci sequence.

Ralph Henry said...

I was thinking more about the spacing of birds on a wire, etc. They need X amount of space, so......

The conch shell thing is intriguing. It holds true for limb placement on trees and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Jambe said...

"(and that he uses a Mac only makes me respect him more)"

Because buying things from one of the most overpriced electronics brands in the world is indicative of good taste and/or character? I love me some NdGT, but I would be more impressed if he used a Linux laptop. To each their own, I guess.

I especially liked the 5-gallon bucket ice chunk with leaves. Mundane shit like that (captured well) is spiffy.

Ralph Henry said...

I'm not all that computer literate. All I know is that I switched to Mac 20 years ago and I never had to add or buy anything like Norton and I have never had a virus, never get pop-ups or spam.
I agree it is overpriced, but I have more money than I have time to solve problems.

Jambe said...

Well, I'm just a cheap turd. You pay for the service you get, ultimately, and to be fair, Apple hardware is usually fantastically well-made.

I think all human activity is problem-solving, whether it's thought of that way or not. I just enjoy solving problems with computers, whereas you like engaging with other sorts of problems.

fwiw, Mac OS X isn't any more secure, at a code level, than Windows 7 (Microsoft's latest) and is in some instances less secure. The main reason Macs have been less plagued by malware is that orders of magnitude fewer people use them. What virus-writer in their right mind is gonna spend time on a virus that will only affect 5% of computer owners?

Of course, Macs have had a few viruses and such over the years, and they will be more heavily targeted as they become more popular. But I honestly doubt Macs will become a helluva lot more popular, and Windows will decline, too — people are already doing most of their "computer" tasks on their phones, and many people will have no need for a desktop or laptop in the near future... interesting times.

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