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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Graphic graphics....

Grammar is not her new strategy....

Sorry you think it's intolerant to not tolerate your intolerance.

TRUE:  In wartime, when the troops are on long marches, they take turns carrying the dogs because they simply don't have the stamina....(this is not one of them)....

We live in the jar and think the lid's the sky.

You know, it must be rough to be a landlocked country; dependent on other countries for their overland routes to the ports. You would think that landlocked countries must be very good at diplomacy.

A friend of mine told me that when he was in Afghanistan he noticed that none of the men had what we would call a shirt pocket, so he asked an old Afghan about it.
"Why don't you have a shirt pocket?"
"What would we put in it?"
"A pen."
"What for? We can read or write."
Come to find out Afghanistan has one of the world's highest illiteracy rates....which could explain a lot.

Something I've never thought about before....

I read an article about a missionary's daughter in Africa, who had a doll, and all the other little girls in the village wanted a doll worse than anything. So for Christmas, they shipped in enough dolls that every little girl would have one. Surprisingly, after a week or so the dolls were neglected. Apparently the value in owning a doll lay in the fact that no one else did. When everybody owned one, the value diminished considerably.

WWII London....they are still finding this, by the way....

The Federal Reserve is nothing more than a money cartel.

We don't have an election anymore, we have an auction.

It seems to me that 80% of the internet is cats and women fucking up their faces...

 Unless you see the royal nipple, it don't count.

This is true.....he's one of the bad guys....
As I understand it, the film was made as an instructional video.

Some volcanos just want to watch the world burn...

Seriously, can you imagine any other country in the whole world where certain people were forbidden to say certain words, but other people were free of any restriction?
Can you imagine France doing that? What do you think we Americans would say about the French if they did?

"Come back you coward!"

At least this guy has a valid excuse....

Some people just like to watch the world burn...

Some people just like to watch the world burn....no, wait...


Thinking people....they are a good thing....

Is that a mountain lion?

Crumbling economy, dysfunctional government, and climate change....just about the worse trifecta I can think of....

Am I the only one to notice that the glass is already full and they keep pouring?

I can almost guarantee you that you will watch this more than once...

TRUE:  That reminded me of Momma Duck. She looks about like this now, but back in the late 60's and early 70's she was a looker. She worked in a bar not far from Fort Jackson, where soldiers were trained prior to being shipped off to Vietnam. At closing time, she would take every soldier who was scheduled to leave for the war, out in the parking lot for a quickie. She got the name Momma Duck because of the line of young boys following her out the door.
And she still works at that bar.

File this away so that you can look at it again when you do something stupid....

Oh, look, another miserable exploited woman...

Never...EVER...peck an elephant on his trunk....
There is a "choke your chicken" joke in there someplace.

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