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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wednesday Olympic Update

I stayed up late last night watching the US women's gymnasts kick Russia's ass....
And the Russians just stood there crying like little girls.........oh, wait, they are little girls.

After watching the queen's frozen bitch expression during the entire opening ceremony, I knew the internet would not be kind....

You know all those torches? As I understand it, you can buy one or $8,000....

I have been watching so much Olympic coverage that I know these guys had a major deduction because their legs are at different angles when they enter the water....
 That's a textbook addiction.

Can a human arm do that?

We all know that Olympians have to start practicing early...
 But some practice better than others...

Not all is rosy in London...
 Most everybody is pissed off over VIP only lanes for the corporate honchos of the sponsors....
And these same sponsors were given so many seats....and they couldn't fill them, so parents and such are up in the nose bleed section while the high dollar seats go vacant....

The legs of a cyclist....

 Well, that has got to be embarrassing....

 What the fuck can you say about an image like this?

100,000 condoms in ten days for 10,000 young people.
This could explain that....

Talk about an opening ceremony!!!

 (She was promptly sent home for that tweet)

Says the one on the left, "Brazilian?"

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