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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

THURSDAY 11/1/12

My new vehicle was delivered today. I like it very much.

Some images of Sandy you may not have seen...

You people who only want smaller government need to know that these people cost money...

I have never seen people standing in waist-high water putting out fires...

I got so sick of seeing this one building where the facade fell off. With the magnitude of the problem, this was nothing, yet it was good theater....

I have no idea what this truck is used for, but I want one...

Well, looks like another case where your prayers weren't answered....

Nice juxtaposition....seeings how the sand is on the sign that says keep off the sand....

This is a fake photo that was picked up by news channels all over the world. You would think they would know better....

I don't even trust this as being authentic, but it's a cool pic...
By the way, there were 20' waves on Lake Michigan.

If I never accomplish anything in this life, at least I can say I have tied Lance Armstrong for Tour de France titles.

Just in case you have some time on your hands...

Amazing. This was carved out of the 181st hardest stone known to man....

I think this is a great idea. You could have dozens of them deployed in an urban disaster....

Teach your children how to think,
not what to think....

I don't laugh out loud often, but when I do it's usually because someone fell. Stay clumsy my friends.

Kazakhstan bling....

Elephants are great...but not all great things are elephants.

 Bra tattoo...

Banana Boat announced recall of its spray-on sunscreen after people caught on fire after applying it.
(You think those words have ever been placed in that order before?)

(This is not one of mine. I see the typo. It does not bother me. If it bothers you, you should try doing this shit day after day flawlessly)

Because living in harmony is so old world...

While you were busy bitching about the woman who bought a Snickers with her food stamps, Exxon pocketed $9000 of your tax dollars.

Residential design where nobody lives on a busy road...

STALKING: When two people go for long romantic walks, but only one of them knows about it.

I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
I don't even believe everything I think.

Notice how it's designed so that an explosion in one area is isolated from the other areas....

Oh, look, now you can document EVERY FUCKING SECOND OF YOUR MISERABLE LIVES....

I hope all of my friends had a great Halloween. Both of them.

I've changed. For the first time in my life I used a staple remover for its actual purpose, rather than just messing around, pretending it's a monster with fangs champing things. Sad, that.

I wonder if he ever jumped again...

Tungsten cored gold bar. There are thousands of these almost worthless things being sold...

If I had to stare at this every morning while I took a shit, the chisel is coming out....

Self-esteem going downhill faster than a wagon full of fat kids....

"I hate tacos!" said no Juan ever.

Ad placement on music clip...
Yeah, warm up my "soul".

Is a guy who masturbates on an airplane a hijacker?

Quality humor, from us here at Folio Olio...

Aaron, every time I see something like this, I think of you...

I hope he hasn't bought that trophy case yet....

This book was donated to a library...

First rule in the Girlfriend Manual...

GIFs I found amusing...

I fucking love tamales...if they are done properly...

Man watched her play with her iPhone for a long time, then waited at the station until doors were closing.
I'd just give him the phone on expert timing alone.


"My parents are here, Honey. Come on out in the driveway to welcome them with me."

There are people who prefer to have sex with women dressed like nuns. Not that there's anything wrong with that....


Margaret said...

I wonder if tap danvers ever walk into a room, look at the floor and think, "I'd tap that"?

Jambe said...

I got a bit of a Bond Villain vibe from that first photo.

Ralph Henry said...

No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to look like the coolest old man in the neighborhood.

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