About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 29, 2013

FRIDAY #1479

It's like restless leg syndrome, only it's my whole life.

Trains. I like trains.

In 2008, the Dutch voted "Swaffelen" as the word of the year. It means to repeatedly smack one's penis against something. And that's why I like the Dutch.

I wonder how long it would take a giraffe to throw up?

The longer the explanation, the bigger the lie.

George Washington's false teeth...

The other day I hit a deep pothole and my check engine light turned off....slam fucking dunk!

I dare someone to tell me this is photoshopped...

Last Halloween a neighbor kid came over dressed as a pirate. I asked him where is buccaneers and he said "On my buccan head!"

Apartment building in Lebanon...

Check this out. It's one photograph, un-retouched...
Here's another view...

 Very, very well put...

I like this...

You have to take an IQ test to be a TSA agent. If they find any trace of IQ in your urine, you cannot be hired.

Old guy's thrown, new guy's chair....
 That's a good sign, right........Right?
Still haven't heard how he handled this thorny issue...

Not too long ago, I posted a letter from Albert to his first wife telling her what she could and could not do. At the time, I made fun of her unattractiveness.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Alberts wife number two...
 Jesus Fucking Christ, Albert! Are you fucking blind?!?
I mean, dude, you are ALBERT FUCKING EINSTEIN!!!!

My wife once passed out at a party and woke up with more clothes.

Never - ever - never divide by zero.
Even on Wednesday.

A really good friend is someone you can call and describe the porn you are watching to get his opinion as to whether you have crossed the boundaries of decency. 

Two of my very own...

Asking a lesbian couple which one is the husband is like asking chopsticks which one is the knife.

This is a costume....get it....

This is an art installation whereby the artist sleeps inside a glass case...
I want her job.

And just think, this was all created just so the creator could declare Jews his chosen people....

Never ruin a good apology with an excuse.
(write that down. It's that important.)

If I had 'em, I'd show the motherfuckers off also....

Strip basketball....oh, yeah....
Strip....what?  WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!?!

A PICTURES ONLY BLOG POST TOMORROW...if you're interested.


Aaron said...

At first glance, I thought that Albert and wife #2 looked rather similar, esp in the nose. According to a cursory investigation, they are 1st cousins.

Peter Burnett said...

I don't know any other way to contact you, just wanted to say I love your work, man. If I only look at one site in a day, it's yours. I thought you might be interested in a group I'm part of called The Brisbane Atheists. Australia, Queensland.
My second favourite site. I'm Peter Burnett, and I think a bit like you.

Jambe said...

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is great.

On a related note, I find myself linking to Hitchens a lot lately, what with Kim Jong-un on another threat-spree.

On an even less-related note: I wonder what it's like in Vladivostok this time of year.

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