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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


This is probably a very nice man...
But if he drives a van, me and my children are going home.

America, god bless her...
A public high school teacher in South Carolina took an American flag, threw it on the floor, stomped it, then asked the students to write an essay about what he had just done.
You, along with me, probably think he would have gotten back some passionate essays both pro and con. 
But no, he got fired.

School districts at all levels just seems to go out of their way to show their ignorance. Take example number one....

In my lifetime, I have seen changes that my father would never have put up with.

Oh, look, one of the things my father never would have tolerated...
The generation who made it through the Great Depression and WWII would not subject themselves to this.

But some times America is criticized for things out of their control.

Many people are very concerned about the amount of money we spend on our military.
They seems to forget the arrangements we made a long, long time ago which obligates us to consider an attack on ANY nation in the western hemisphere, an attack on the good old USA. That's why no other nation in the Western Hemisphere gives a shit about their armies.
Further, we have NATO obligations.
Why, exactly, we are the ones to pick up the lion's share of the cost is something I have not figured out.
But throwing money at the problem seems to have worked. It's been 67 years and no world war.

Let's revisit the Nanny State discussion. 
Are you comfortable with the government controlling what you eat; where you can smoke, what weapons you can own and other behaviors I won't take the time to list? If you are comfortable it's probably because you don't smoke, you eat healthy and you don't own weapons.
So my question is, what government demands would you be UNCOMFORTABLE with? Oh, I bet if it fucks with your internet you would howl. I bet if you were asked for your papers three or four times a day you might think it contrary to our rules of governance.
I think I just draw the line a little higher than most people.
I want the government to give me as few demands as absolutely necessary. I am not a child and I don't need supervision, thank you very much.
I once conducted an experiment of government surveillance by posting a list of terms and phrases sure to tweak their interest.....Israeli nuclear weapons storage areas, How to blow up an airplane, etc. My daughter went nuts....KNOWING that I would be placed on some government list.
My question is: Is that the way you want to live? Afraid of your own fucking government?

I do this...
...only I do it preemptively.

1000 words...

I sort of have a story about this...
I once knew a drug abuse counselor who explained his work to me. The trick is to get the "stable" through one on one counseling, then put the in "group" with a dozen other patients. The one on one was (at the time) $75 an hour, but the group was only $25 an hour.
You do the math.....12 times $25 for the same hour's work.
Then the cynic in me asked, "So, how badly do you want these people to get "well" and not come back?"
He but smiled.

I know this is dated, but there is a whole bunch about royalty that drives me up the fucking wall...

A friend brought his young son to my house the other day. He saw my wife's LP album collection, took one out and said, "Dude, the computer this goes in must be huge!"

My, oh, my, oh, my....

I learned today that when the female clown fish dies, the male mate will change it's sex and then reproduce with its own children to keep passing on its genes.

I'm guessing that's why Nemo's dad wanted to find him so badly.

I will state again, I like this cartoonist...

This is my wife when I promise to put on pants before her friends arrive...

You know, if it wasn't for war, Americans wouldn't know ANY geography.

The great majority of people who died yesterday had plans for today. Make your plans carefully, my friend.

Secure your own mask before assisting others.

This is a real North Korean poster...
(turn the guy with the pistol into a missile armed drone and I might agree with them)

I'm not sure this is real. There's something about the spare tire lining up nearly perfectly....
(by real I mean painted on the truck...I think it's shopped)
(also, how much rope is too much rope? You could rig a schooner with that much rope.)

Because fuck people, that's why...

Oh, look, the most common crossword puzzle clue is erupting.........again....
(for Kent)

I notice shit like this in every movie I watch...
My bartender told me he really liked Blair Witch Project and I almost threw up. I watched the entire movie just to see how low they set the bar for all other movies.

I watched this Tyson vacuum suck up fire and put it out...

When planning to go to an event like St. Patrick's Day, I like to select friends that neither get too drunk or don't get drunk enough....both are equally irritating.

This is a good idea, right......right?

This guy is trying to break a speed record...
My guess is that he broke many more things than a speed record.

How fucking clever can you get. This is fucking brilliant...
Goddamnit, folks, that is very, very close to being art.

It's never too late to give up.

If at first you don't succeed, you're not trying easy enough stuff.

Highly motivated, they....

Are you old enough to remember pausing a nude scene on a tape and the good parts were always too blurry to see?

And recently in the town of Nopeville...

Every Cosmo cover ever...

Heard a speech one time about how fucked up our schools were. The one thing that interested me most was the notion that cheating was a bad thing, whereas in real life, cheating is a necessity. People are REWARDED for cheating.

It doesn't get any better than this...

After we got married my wife was so happy that she could have sex without it being filmed.


I may have shown you this before, I don't remember, but as a man that has wedged a fortune's worth of coins in trees for others to discover, I feel I've met a kindred soul...

How to know she wasn't faking it...

Rugby is a bit like American football only it's played by men.

It's called Expressionism and it is next to impossible to explain to non-art people.
He used automobile paint for it's deep, deep color and luster, but he put it on so thick that it will never dry. So, many of the museums in the world have to take his paintings off the wall and hang them upside down in the basement. This allows for a reverse sag, you see, so you don't end up with huge bloated bubble of paint.

The very first time my wife talked me into tasting tofu....

I've finally figured out what I want to be when I get older....younger.

Scientists have recently created a robot that can bake cookies. And by scientists, I mean two teenage stoners that work at Radio Shack.

And here is Pastor Davis doing his research...

I wonder what the good reverend would say today about this kind of shit...

There is a National Toilet Paper Museum...
There is also a word for not knowing if you are finished taking a shit. This would be much more clever if I could remember that word.

Biologically, knowing he can break the laws of physics, does he get drunk?

There is only one thing cuter than the world's cutest cat.....

Any dog.
As are dogs' habit, he ingested items which some would refer to as "non-food".

"So let me get this straight...you will feed us, clean us, buy the things we need and even go so far as to pick up our shit, and all we have to do is be your friend?"

Two of my very own...

I have a confession to make. This is what that last OOMVO looked like when I reread it prior to post.

I really liked this one and wanted to find the original Power Point slide and change the f to an s. To find the original took 47 minutes. I will not do that again. 
If a typo really, really fucks up your day, then you may want to visit other blogs.
Thank you for your understanding.


Jambe said...

"They seems to forget the arrangements we made a long, long time ago which obligates us to consider an attack on ANY nation in the western hemisphere, an attack on the good old USA. That's why no other nation in the Western Hemisphere gives a shit about their armies."

So we fancied ourselves world-police because we were ascendant on the international stage, therefore when we start to pay for our hubris years later, it's everybody else's fault? Peh. If we didn't conceive of ourselves as "leaders of the free world" we might not end up stuck in the hypocritical position of imposing our ideals on other nations. Promoting democracy is fine and good, but our heavy-handed methodology is not only ineffective but actually counter-productive.

I sometimes eat shit-tastic non-food, I smoke sometimes, and I own & shoot firearms. Nonetheless, I don't think I have a magical intrinsic "right" to any of those things, nor is it at all clear that "people in general" deserve unrestricted access to same. I don't even think I have a magical "right" to live, let alone to do or say anything, so changing the subject to the internet or ID schemes isn't productive.

Your use of anti-smoking legislation as an indicator for tyrannical government makes you look silly. If somebody really wanted to wear jewelry infused with a radioactive substance which increased human cancer incidence in a 50-foot radius, you'd think they should be prevented from wearing it among other people, yes? And yet if we replace "wear radioactive jewelry" with "smoke a ciggy" then suddenly it becomes alright?! This is exactly the sort of heinous double-standard that arises out of black & white conceptions of individual liberty.

Worries about locked-down, spyware-riddled computers are very sensible. Ditto fears of drone surveillance and drone warfare. But even there, consider this hypothetical: what if the Syrian rebels made their tank operated via a PlayStation controller fully remote-controlled? Would the use of a ground-drone be an ethical positive because it was used on the "good" side of a conflict, or would it automatically be evil simply because it was remotely operated?

Graaaay areeeaaaaas!


Government necessarily involves cessation of liberties, and we should get mad when certain losses of liberty cost more than they gain. We generally think the liberty to shoot strangers in the face isn't worth the cost to society, so we try to stop it. Similarly, we think the liberty to poison people to death isn't worth the cost to society, so we tell people to smoke where they won't slowly kill the innocent people around them as well as themselves (and this points to another fantastic hypocrisy in the modern US: we allow smoking and alcohol use despite their being incontrovertibly linked to death-by-cancer, and yet we get all kinds of pissed when two Belgians legally decide to kill themselves).

Again, these issues aren't black & white. One should be skeptical of all behavior, be it from a massive edifice of government or from some individual trying to sell you food, clothes, paintings... or ideas. Very few things approach ironclad "wrong" status — theft, murder, rape, and perjury are classics in the West — but even those are not universal wrongs in practice (because in real life, it's often impossible to tell if they've actually been committed).

Jambe said...

Also, dunno if you've seen Mr. Deity, but its creator (former Mormon and humorist/satirist Brian Dalton) recently spoofed the Mormon Church's "And I'm a Mormon" adverts with a video of his own. I thought of you when I saw it:


Funny, unapologetic, truthful, and well-produced. Yes, I'd say Brian Dalton is an artist.

Jambe said...

Also, this just in: Gary Busey is part of our government's inevitable decline into tyranny because he's in favor of helmet laws. Woe are we when even redoubtable personalities such as Gary are inveigled by the insidious Masonic Illuminati Brotherhood.


Ralph Henry said...

Your comments are more than welcomed and have been the basis of numerous conversations between my advisors and me. My most trusted advisor stated that she would one day like to meet you.
Live long and prosper, my friend.

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