About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Saving for retirement is an act of wild optimism.

 I love creative tattoos...same old, same old, not so much...

Wish man, he....

 Read this...

Speaking of blood, this is an implant that will constantly sent analysis of your blood to your cellphone...

I had a long discussion with a guy over the unfairness of life...
The big issue was the inventions, drugs, transplants, etc, etc, to keep old westerners alive a little longer and the poor children elsewhere in the world who are dying by the millions because they don't have clean water to drink.
I know life is not fair, but you would think humans would at least try to even out the odds.

Okay, this is cool as shit. I remember hearing about all our radio signals whizzing across the solar system, possibly to be picked up by another civilization...
Well, that is our galaxy, and inside the small box is a tiny blue dot that is the extent of how far our radio waves have gone. Bummer, that....

Several days ago a viewer left a comment asking my thoughts on life elsewhere in the universe. He wondered why they haven't contacted us yet.
First of all, we humans have just now "discovered" a primitive tribe in the Amazon, and this is our own home planet. Scale that up and I kind of understand some other civilization not finding us.
I posted the 1 followed by 23 zeroes that is the estimate of solar systems in the universe. Size is against them "stumbling" on us here on earth.
But remember, the civilization might be a million years behind us or a million years ahead of us. We know as a fact that if they arrive they have far more advanced technology than we, so we must ask ourselves, Why would they want to even try to communicate with us? We don't try and "communicate" with ants or voles.
So my answer is this. Of course there is life elsewhere; some younger, some older, thus more advanced, than us. But why exactly would they expend so much energy to come here? What's in it for them?
And all the sightings? Group hysteria, ball lightning, optical illusion, hoax, secret military stuff....the list goes on and on. But think about this...you've seen what major cities look like at night from space. Why would anybody want to come all this way to fuck with minimally toothed people in a trailer park in Alabama? And, with all of our modern sensors (night vision, radio waves, infra-red, etc) why would a spaceman's first thing to do upon arrival be to turn on his headlights?
(please don't remind me of the police, pilots and bastards reporting sightings. I just thought my "Minimally toothed" phrase was so fucking cool that I had to use it)

A calm fake with the left, then...

Some physics lessons are funnier than others...
This one will probably last through years of therapy.

 $27 for a fucking watermelon!?!

This swing bus stop plays music depending on how you swing...

It's very hard to work the word "chalice" into a conversation.

Me fucking with HC again...

A machine that makes pencils out of paper. I would so make them out of dollar bills...

Sundial...not exactly sure how it works in the afternoon...

If I had a dollar for every time I thought about my wife, I would start thinking about her.

 Please excuse my Southern dumb-ass, but what the hell is a "rota"?

One of my very own...

My wife has gained so much weight that she doesn't get dressed so much as upholstered. 

Women in the military...Israel seems to do it pretty good...

This child has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Let's wish her the best...
She has my vote.

 TRUE: A woman who I might or might not have been married to was once asked if she would like to see a picture of a man's penis and, I swear, she thought he said pianist and said "Sure."

You suit people need to get with the program...you don't want to appear non-compliant....

Last night I got so drunk that I african-american'd out.

Note left for neighbor...

I watch lesbian porn because I've tired of ugly guys who cum on girl's faces.

When I'm eating something soft and hearing a crunch...

Fucking white people...

Well, he named them...

Spiders: Nature's reminder that we are all, deep down, a little girl.

How martyrs think heaven will be...times 72...

You know that "what the fuck is this" look you give a friend when you are perplexed by something? I not only think that is a universal communication, but I bet fucking neanderthals were using it. Probably the first time when they lit their loin cloth with that newly discovered fire.

TRUE: Australia is the only continent without an active volcano.


Beer is like pouring smiles on your brain.

I hate it when I'm drinking and somebody tries to correct my Vodkabulary.


The rebirth of my faith in young people...

This is my daughter's house in Illinois recently....
 What a wonderful winter she's having this spring...

It must be comforting to KNOW god has chosen you as the chosen people. Good luck with that...

Sergio made this backwards shot from in a tree and put it right in the middle of the green...


Anonymous said...

Rota is Rotation?

Robin said...

A rota is obviously a medieval bed, with a shelf for your chalice.

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