About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Gentle Readers,
I actually like this Anti-Sermon....something I can't say about many of them. Hope you enjoy.

Oh, really? Could you, dear child, give me a demonstration?

Never thought I'd ever agree with this guy, but....

...and how hard was that, to make all possible outcomes work for you? 

Yeah, this is the way it gets started...


Michael Ray said...

Haha, I have been a firm Atheist for as long as I can remember and your "Anti-Sermon" posts are almost always my favorites. I don't usually tell religious people I am an Atheist because the last time I did that they got all huffy and I did my best to shoot all their "logic" down and found out right after I so smugly won that ordeal that her kid was very close to dieing with a disease that is terminal. Her only hope was god and well, I felt like a sack of crap for a very long time.

Ralph Henry said...

I make it a point to tell as many people as possible that I am an atheist. Here's why:
I posted something about the cultural shift in the US over gay marriage was caused by more gay people coming out, thus showing people that there was nothing to be afraid of.
I take that same attitude when it comes to atheism. There a way more of us than people know because most of us don't want the hassle.
Bummer about the kid and her mother.
One of the hardest things I've ever done was being asked by my dying mother if I was going to meet her in heaven. I said that I would, for the same reasons you iterated above.
Thanks for the comment.

Michael Ray said...

I certainly don't lie about being Atheist and my Facebook is littered with Atheist sayings, scientific nomenclature, and my support for gay marriage and contraceptive equality. I just won't normally participate in the back and forth of religious beliefs, unless I know you, then I will rag on someone every chance it comes up.
Sometimes I will even quote you, normally with "-Olio"
I even steal some memes off your blog from time to time.

Ralph Henry said...

I'm honored.

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