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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

That was absolutely awful. Here's a make up.


I remember thinking my mom was a superhero when I found a whip, mask and handcuffs in the top of her closet.


Money well earned...I assume.



I really like how they used the windows in the design.

I like that very much.


This portrait was painted by...

This guy.

Façade, Zacharie Gaudrillot-Roy

I've posted that before, but it is just so wonderful.




That, Gentle Reader, is one Grade A breast.
You're welcome.


You want to know how bad the economy is? Every time I call my drug dealer, that son of a bitch is at work.


Walk this way.


Men are not so easily swayed by the boys in the corporate offices.

Wife: I'm in such a happy mood right now! 
Female reproductive system: Hold my beer.


Just go home and get back in bed, your day ain't going to get no easier.

Question: If you saw something like this, would you report it and risk being called crazy, a fraud or worse? Now, I don't mean a guy in some sort of body suit; I mean a real alien. I'm thinking I would share it, but with a very small circle of friends and family. News media? Never.

Can you pick out the molested child?
I haven't ranted about the Catholic management lately. There are child molester Boy Scout leaders, soccer coaches, and, I suppose art teachers. It's just an unfortunate fact of life. But in no realm but the Catholic Church would a known child molester not only would not be report to the police, but would simply be reassigned to another church full of more potential victims. And as far as I know, none of the Bishops were ever charged. And that Catholics aren't screaming bloody murder as they change religious tenets is beyond my contempt.

That is called a rose window.
I never thought about it being the only heat exit for a ceiling fire.

How many body lengths is this jump?
I'm impressed. And my bet is that he knew he would not make it all the way prior to the leap, but his food or girlfriend was on the other side so he did what he had to do.

Have you ever worked in a place where periodically they would have "team building" workshops that did shit like this?
My answer to the last one would be The Hundred Years War.
I remember when we shared which tree we would be and I said a coat tree in a doctor's office.

Have you ever faked proposing to a girl just to get free dessert?


I mentioned something several weeks ago that has changed my life. It had to do with having the opportunity to time travel back time so you could keep yourself from making those mistakes that you think about right before you fall asleep. The question is, would you be the same person if you corrected all your mistakes. I think not and would opt not to go back and fix my mistakes.

There are those who only think about the future and plan there whole lives in preparation for their old age when they can do whatever they want to do, at last. These people are making a date with someone in the future who they don't even know will show up. I trust that the future will take care of itself with only rudimentary, basic planning.

What are you doing right this very moment? If you are doing something you enjoy and is rewarding in other than monetary terms, you are very lucky. Leave the past out of your thoughts and trust the future to work itself out, but please live every now moment doing some things that puts a smile on your face.

Fuck what-ifs. If we could actually analyze every decision we had to make we would sit paralyzed in fear. I do play worse case scenario some times and that works quite well for me.

I like the way this guy thinks.

It's rare to find someone who is not full of shit these days.


Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen just rolled out the world's largest airplane.
Paul Allen's vehicle, which would be the world's largest airplane with a wingspan wider than Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose, was wheeled out of its hangar for the first time on Wednesday (Thursday, NZ time).
Called Stratolaunch, the plane has some impressive stats: a wingspan of 117 metres, or longer than a football field, a height of 15m. Unfueled, it weighs 226,800 kilograms. But it can carry 113,400kg of fuel, and its total weight can reach as high as 589,670kg.

I saw this on an image site and recognized it from Meteor Crater visitor center.
I walked by it three times thinking this window was a painting.

"Near Richmond."
Stonewall Jackson's 9mm Belgian Lefaucheux Pinfire Revolver. It is inscribed on one side: "Presented to Major General Thomas J. Jackson by his Officers, Camp Near Richmond."
Where is the rear sight? It could be a groove in the top of the hammer to be used when it is cocked.

I never really thought of modern fighter jets having review mirrors.

That's absurd. Military service with honorable discharge should be a straight shot to citizenship. Sign the citizenship papers right along with you discharge papers.

I think that spending a few days in that thing would drive any sane man insane.

The other day I ate to-go fried rice with the same credit card I bought it with.


God: How are the humans doing?
Angel: They are coming along great.
God: Make them cut of the ends off their dicks.
Angel: Why?
God: Why the fuck not. And tell them they will burn in brimstone forever if they don't.
Angel: You one funny fuck, you know that?

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